This is an inofficial M3U File to support Replay TV with TV7 on Kodi using the Simple IPTV PVR Client.
- Install the PVR IPTV Simple Client in Kodi.
- Use the Path to the file you've generated as m3u URL.
- Use the Path to the file you've generated as EPG URL.
- Configure Catch up
- Enable catchup
- catchup window
7 days
- include channels
with catchup mode
- timing isn't perfect: Since the EPG usually is not 100% accurate the show might not immediately start when you'd expect.
docker run -it --rm -v DESTINATION:/app/output nicam/tv7-kodi-replay "m3u-generator"
docker run -it --rm -v DESTINATION:/app/output nicam/tv7-kodi-replay "epg-generator"
The files will be stored in the DESTINATION