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Scan for sensitive information easily and effectively.

GShark Go Report Card Release

The project is based on Go and Vue to build a management system for sensitive information detection. For the full introduction, please refer to articles and videos. For now, all the scans are only targeted to the public environments, not local environments.

For the usage of GShark, please refer to the wiki.


  • Support multiple platforms, such as GitLab, GitHub, Searchcode, and Postman
  • Flexible menu and API permission settings
  • Flexible rules and filtering rules
  • Utilize gobuster for subdomain brute force
  • Easy-to-use management system
  • Support for Docker deployment

Quick start


git clone
cd gshark
docker-compose build && docker-compose up 


Before the MySQL database initial, the scanner container will exit.

Need to restart the scanner after the MySQL database initial.

Manual Deployment


  • Nginx
  • MySQL(version above 8.0)

It is recommended to deploy the Front-End project using nginx. Place the dist folder in /var/www/html, and adjust the nginx.conf file (/etc/nginx/nginx.conf for Linux) to set up reverse proxy for the backend service. For detailed deployment tutorials, you can watch videos on bilibili or youtube. For deployment on Windows, refer to this link.


Can use nginx -t to locate the nginx.conf file, then modify the nginx.conf:

// config the user accoring to your need
user  www www;
worker_processes  1;

events {
    worker_connections  1024;

http {
    include       mime.types;
    default_type  application/octet-stream;
    sendfile        on;
    keepalive_timeout  65;
    server {
        listen       8080;
        server_name  localhost;

        location / {
            autoindex on;
            root   html;
            index  index.html index.htm;
        location /api/ {
            proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
            proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
            proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
            proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
            rewrite ^/api/(.*)$ /$1 break;
        error_page   500 502 503 504  /50x.html;
        location = /50x.html {
            root   html;
    include servers/*;

The deployment work is straightforward. Find the corresponding version zip file from releases.

Unzip and copy the files inside dist to /var/www/html folder of Nginx.

unzip gshark*.zip
cd gshark*
mv dist /var/www/html/
# for Mac
mv dist /usr/local/www/html/

Start the Nginx and the Front-End is deployed successfully.


If you installed Nginx by Homebrew, you need to stop Nginx by:

brew services stop nginx

Server service

./gshark serve

Initially, rename config-temp.yaml to config.yaml. After that, you can run the gshark binary file directly. Then, access localhost:8080 for local deployment.

If you haven't initialized the database before, you will be redirected to the database initialization page first.


Scan service

./gshark scan

For the scan service, it's necessary to config the corresponding rules. For example, GitHub or Gitlab rules.

Incremental Deployment

For the incremental deployment, should be executed for the corresponding database operations.



git clone
cd server
go mod tidy
mv config-temp.yaml config.yaml
go build

Run the web server:

./gshark serve or go run main.go serve

Run the scan task:

./gshark scan or go run main.go scan


cd ../web

npm install

npm run serve


Add Token


To execute the scan task for GitHub, you need to add a GitHub token for crawl information in GitHub. You can generate a token in tokens. Most access scopes are enough. For the GitLab search, remember to add a token too.


Obtain the postman.sid cookie:


Rule Configuration

For the Github or Gitlab rule, the rule will be matched by the syntax in the corresponding platforms. Directly, you config what you search at GitHub. You can download the rule import template CSV file, then batch import rules.


Filter Configuration

Filter is only addressed to GitHub search now. There are three classes of filters, including extension, keyword, sec_keyword. For extension and keyword, they can used for blacklist or whitelist.

For more information, you can refer to this video.


You are supposed to rename config-temp.yaml to config.yaml and config the database information and other information according to your environment.

GitLab Base Url



  1. Default username and password to login


  1. Database initial failed

make sure the version of MySQL is over 5.6. And remove the database before initialing the second time.

  1. go get ./... connection error

It's suggested to enable GOPROXY(refer this article for golang upgrade):

go env -w GOPROXY=,direct
go env -w GO111MODULE=on
  1. When deploying the web to nginx, the page was empty

try to clear the LocalStorage





Apache License 2.0

404StarLink 2.0 - Galaxy

GShark 是 404Team 星链计划2.0中的一环,如果对 GShark 有任何疑问又或是想要找小伙伴交流,可以参考星链计划的加群方式。