- NodeJs should be installed on machine.
- install ruby 2.6.6-1(X64) from https://rubyinstaller.org/downloads/
- install dependency(MSYs2), if not installed during RUBY installation, run below command:
- ridk install
- install nokogiri
- gem install nokogiri
- install hiptest-publisher
- gem install hiptest-publisher
To execute the automation suite:
Clone this repo
npm install
to install all req'd dependencies -
npm run getFeatureFiles --test-run-id=407464
to pull the feature files from HipTest/CucumberStudio (Replace 402901 with run id) -
npm run testE2E -- --env env='qa' --headed --browser chrome
to run the cypress test using command line -
npm run generateHTMLReport
to generate BDD reports -
To run from cypress runner, run command : ./node_modules/.bin/cypress open