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Lori Krell edited this page Dec 7, 2018 · 87 revisions

2.3 MSI User Guide - LIVE - See the following links for the MSI Inventory Management content in the Magneto Admin User Guides:

Special thanks to all MSI project Contributors and Maintainers!

In-Development User Guide - This guide provides MSI Develop Branch/Active Development merchant information on Magento Multi Source Inventory (MSI) features and project.

Learn more about installing and upgrading MSI for 2.3.0! This includes information on disabling MSI for specific merchants and situations.

The Magento Multi Source Inventory (MSI) extension enhances Inventory Management, enabling you to manage inventory for a single or across multiple locations and sales channels with concurrent checkout protection and shipment matching algorithms. These Inventory Management features and algorithms best support single and multisite configurations with multiple inventory sources fulfilling orders. Single source merchants gain benefits as well with product stock management, concurrent checkout, and ease of expanding to multi-source inventory management. As your business expands and changes, these features help you scale by adding more stock and sources, updating quantities, and extending to new sales channels.

Inventory Management supports all product types, simple to bundle products, including downloads and virtual products. With extensive Multi Source Inventory features, manage your inventory regardless of warehouse location, type of product or service, or sales channel. Automatically ship from multiple warehouses, brick-and-mortar stores, distribution centers, and drop shipping to complete orders with a focus on balanced inventory, shipping costs, and more.

Inventory Management in 2.3 gives you the ability to:

  • Support single sourcing and multi-sourcing of products

    Note: Multi-sourcing supported for all products except bundle.

  • Create sources with specific locations (like warehouses and storefronts) and available shipping options

  • Create stock to aggregate a virtual inventory from all or some sources

  • Associate stock to sales channels (websites and extended options) with prioritized sources

  • Override and rerun source matching for order shipments

  • Ship partial and distributed shipments from multiple locations

  • Support orders for multiaddress shipping

  • Track, update, and transfer inventory quantities per source

  • Receive notifications for low available/salable inventory, out-of-stock, and backorders

  • Extend algorithms for customized source and order matching per sales channel

  • Integrate with 3rd party inventory systems, warehouses, and order management using MSI APIs

  • B2B support with MSI

    Note: For B2B to work, those products must currently be associated to the Default Stock. Updates are in progress for a later release to resolve this issue and support custom stocks.

At the heart of Inventory Management and MSI are advanced algorithms and features to ensure smooth stock tracking and order fulfillment across your multiples sources and websites. With concurrent checkout, Magento tracks and reserves sales, preventing concurrent sales from overselling your available stock. The Source Selection Algorithm manages the reservation of stock, prioritizes the fulfillment across your sources using warehouse stock prior to store inventory, and finally deducts inventory for a source when creating a shipment. The SSA also generates recommendations for partial and full shipments sourced from one or more locations, removing the guesswork based on algorithms and source prioritization.

This guide introduces these concepts, examines the algorithms, and details steps to get started with Inventory Management for Single Source and Multi Source merchants.

Understanding MSI features

For a detailed view into Inventory Management and MSI features and processes, see MSI features and processes. The following diagram and terms provide a quick introduction.

Multi Source Inventory Management in Magento
  • Sources are the physical locations where product inventory is managed and shipped for order fulfillment, or where services are available. These locations can include warehouses, brick-and-mortar stores, distribution centers, and drop shippers. MSI leverages the quantities and salable quantities per stock and manages inventory amounts automatically for managed products and orders. If you have 1 source, you are considered in Single Source mode. If you have multiple sources, you are considered in Multi Source mode.

  • Stock represents a virtual, aggregated inventory of products for sources of your sales channels (currently these are websites). Each stock maps your sales channels with sources for available inventories and salable quantities.

  • Reservations track stock requests for the entire shopping process: adding products to cart, completing checkout, and managing refunds. For available inventory and stock, reservations reserve inventory orders through the checkout process, deducting from quantities at invoice and shipment.

  • Sales Channels represents entities selling your inventory. MSI includes Magento store websites out-of-the-box and supports extensions for additional channels (for example, B2B customers groups and store views). Sales Channels can only be associated to one Stock.

  • Salable Quantity provides the calculated virtual inventory of products, taking into account configured thresholds. Stocks determine the final salable amount available across all assigned sources for associated sales channels. This differs from Quantity which is the total number of products at the source regardless of thresholds.

  • Quantity per Source replaces the Quantity column if you add multiple sources. This column displays the total number of products available per source regardless of thresholds. If you only have the Default Source configured, the Quantity column displays.

  • Source Selection Algorithm analyzes and determines the best match for sources and shipping using the priority order of sources configured in a stock. During order shipment, the algorithm provides a recommended list of sources, available quantities, and amounts to deduct to ship.

Additional features

Bulk Editing Product Inventory

For large catalogs, assigning inventory per source through the Magento Admin may be overwhelming. Inventory Management supports assigning inventory amounts using the Mass Action Transfer utility, Export - Import features using .csv files, and APIs for mass management.

MSI has an advanced inventory Export - Import mechanism to export and import data from different sources independently, without affecting other existing data. For example, if you have sources in Los Angeles, Austin, and New York, you can export or import data for the Austin warehouse without affecting other sources.

Mass actions also support bulk operations to assign sources, unassign sources, and mass transfer all inventory between sources.

For API information, see APIs and DevDocs content.

User roles

MSI adds user role resources (ACLs) for allowing or restricting Admin user actions for sources and stocks. Find these roles under Stores > Inventory when editing custom roles per user account.

New Inventory Management User Role Resources - ACLs

APIs and DevDocs content

MSI provides APIs for moving stock, creating reports, synchronizing with external Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, and so on. See our MSI tutorials at DevDocs:

Install and Upgrade MSI

Release Status: GA with Magento v2.3.0 on November 28,2018

Install Method: Composer MetaPackage - MSI is installed as a Core Bundled Extension of Magento Open Source and Commerce.

Important: To correctly receive the dependency and install, you must install via Composer with a Meta Package.

The MSI extension installs as a Core Bundled Extension (CBE) in 2.3.x Magento Open Source and Commerce. Additional steps will not be required for installing and enabling the new Inventory Management features in that package.

MSI installs via this line as a CBE:

magento/inventory-composer-metapackage = ^1.0.2

For a fresh install, see the Magento DevDocs Installation Guide.

When installed or upgraded, MSI adds the following modules enabled by default:

        'Magento_Inventory' => 1,
        'Magento_InventoryAdminUi' => 1,
        'Magento_InventoryApi' => 1,
        'Magento_InventoryBundleProduct' => 1,
        'Magento_InventoryBundleProductAdminUi' => 1,
        'Magento_InventoryCatalog' => 1,
        'Magento_InventorySales' => 1,
        'Magento_InventoryCatalogAdminUi' => 1,
        'Magento_InventoryCatalogApi' => 1,
        'Magento_InventoryCatalogSearch' => 1,
        'Magento_InventoryConfigurableProduct' => 1,
        'Magento_InventoryConfigurableProductAdminUi' => 1,
        'Magento_InventoryConfigurableProductIndexer' => 1,
        'Magento_InventoryConfiguration' => 1,
        'Magento_InventoryConfigurationApi' => 1,
        'Magento_InventoryGroupedProduct' => 1,
        'Magento_InventoryGroupedProductAdminUi' => 1,
        'Magento_InventoryGroupedProductIndexer' => 1,
        'Magento_InventoryImportExport' => 1,
        'Magento_InventoryIndexer' => 1,
        'Magento_InventoryLowQuantityNotification' => 1,
        'Magento_InventoryLowQuantityNotificationAdminUi' => 1,
        'Magento_InventoryLowQuantityNotificationApi' => 1,
        'Magento_InventoryMultiDimensionalIndexerApi' => 1,
        'Magento_InventoryProductAlert' => 1,
        'Magento_InventoryReservations' => 1,
        'Magento_InventoryReservationsApi' => 1,
        'Magento_InventoryCache' => 1,
        'Magento_InventorySalesAdminUi' => 1,
        'Magento_InventorySalesApi' => 1,
        'Magento_InventorySalesFrontendUi' => 1,
        'Magento_InventoryShipping' => 1,
        'Magento_InventorySourceDeductionApi' => 1,
        'Magento_InventorySourceSelection' => 1,
        'Magento_InventorySourceSelectionApi' => 1,
        'Magento_InventoryShippingAdminUi' => 1,

The previous modules CatalogInventory for Open Source and ScalableInventory for Commerce were deprecated (and will be removed in 2.4).

To manage Inventory Management/MSI settings, see the Admin User Guide or Global Settings in this wiki. If you disable Manage Stock, this affects calculations not the modules.

Disabling MSI

If you need to fully remove or disable the MSI extension, you will need to disable the listed modules above (change 1 to 0 in composer.json). You should only need to disable the extensions in the following situations:

  • To speed up upgrade of merchants currently on Magento 2.0/2.1/2.2 and migrating to 2.3.0.
  • To support inventory customization. For example, if you have a custom implementation of Multi-Sourcing or Magento Order Management merchants.
  • To use Magento Order Management (MOM or OMS). The current MOM connector does not support MSI interfaces. For MOM merchants to upgrade to Magento 2.3.0, they need to disable MSI modules.

Upgrading to MSI

Upgrading to Magento 2.3.0 automatically installs and upgrades with MSI when installing via Composer Meta Package. Follow DevDocs Software Upgrade Guide for more information. All required and deprecated modules also automatically update accordingly. You do not need to make additional changes or updates.

With MSI installed, you should have Manage Stock enabled and all MSI features available. To verify and review configurations, see Configuring Inventory Management or MSI Global Settings(wiki).

Get Started with MSI

With MSI installed, you can get started with Inventory Management! See Get Started with MSI for initial changes, migration, and recommended steps for Single and Multi Source merchants.

MSI Documentation:

  1. Technical Vision. Catalog Inventory
  2. Installation Guide
  3. List of Inventory APIs and their legacy analogs
  4. MSI Roadmap
  5. Known Issues in Order Lifecycle
  6. MSI User Guide
  7. DevDocs Documentation
  8. User Stories
  9. User Scenarios:
  10. Technical Designs:
  11. Admin UI
  12. MFTF Extension Tests
  13. Weekly MSI Demos
  14. Tutorials
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