MCTC (short for magi's custom twitch chat) is a webpage which shows the last chat message from a twitch chat.
You will need an APP_ID and APP_SECRET from twitch - You get these if you create/manage an app:
If you don't want to do any style changes and always use the most up-to-date version, you can just this link:
Remember to update channel=...
, appid=...
and appsecret=...
Clone this repository (or download the zip/tar-file).
You can either
- set the values directly inside the
- specify them as parameters in the URL, like
Inside the mctc.js
-file, you can also set users so ignore (e.g. your bots).
You can change various style-aspects, just edit the mctc.css
Just add it as an issue. Please keep in mind that this project is a spare time project.