Code obfuscation techniques are widely used for protecting software against MATE (man-at-the-end) attacks. The objective of code obfuscation is to make a program more difficult to understand for adversarial humans, while preserving program semantics for its desired users.
To evaluate the quality of an obfuscated program, we could measure the resilience and stealthiness of the given program. Here,
- resilience: effort required for an attacker to understand the obfuscated code
- stealth: the degree to which obfuscated code can be distinguished from unobfuscated code
Therefore, this stealth-evaluation project aims to analyze how can an obfuscated code distinguished from unobfuscated code using machine learning methods.
The following must be available upon using this repository:
- Tigress C Obfuscator v2.2 or higher
- code-analysis and it's dependencies
- Obfuscate-jmp and it's dependencies
- Python3 with at least pandas v0.22, matplotlib v2.1.2, sklearn v0.19.1 installed
- Make sure tigress (
) is available as environment variable. - Put code-analysis on stealth-evaluation root directory.
- Put
from Obfuscate-jmp onprograms_data/randfuns-jmp/
. - To check your environment, use
All scripts have the -h
to show help on it.
script to create dataframe for machine learning models. Available features are:Artificiality
. Usage example target_dir threshold # default, simple invocation target_dir threshold -f main,f1 -c jit -s obfs # Labelling main and f1 function Class as jit and ObfStat as obfs target_dir threshold -d dfOutName -g Len,Art Len,Unq # Output dataframe file will be named dfOutName, and two graphs will be created
script to calculate probability using code-analysis'
. Usage example target_dir corpus.lm # All default settings target_dir corpus.lm -mgran OPCODE -ext bin # Granularity is set to OPCODE and files with bin extensions will be targeted
script to obfuscate all files inside a directory using tigress. Tigress invocation is defined
. Usage example target_dir dest_dir # default, simple invocation target_dir dest_dir --ext bin # saving the obfuscated binary file with bin extension
script to compare two dataframe files. Usage example dfFILE1 dfFILE2
contains quick comparison of dataframe graphs generated
contains lm data to be used when
contains dataframe for machine
contains files to test your environment.models
contains python scripts to create machine learning models.programs_data
contains programs used as evaluation target. Due to file size, some files are uploaded to NAS(
contains thesis, summary, and presentation.
- hi13barata -Initial work-
- Kanzaki, Y., Thomborson, C., Monden, A., & Collberg, C. (2015, December). Pinpointing and Hiding Surprising Fragments in an Obfuscated Program. In Joint PPREW / SSP Workshop
- Kanzaki, Y., Monden, A., & Collberg, C. (2015). Code Artificiality: A Metric for the Code Stealth Based on an N-gram Model. In 1st International Workshop on Software Protection.
- Banescu, S., Collberg, C., & Pretschner, A. (2017, August). Predicting the Resilience of Obfuscated Code Against Symbolic Execution Attacks via Machine Learning. In Proceedings of the 26th USENIX Security Symposium.
- 村上隼之助,神崎雄一郎,門田暁人.(2018). 分岐命令 のカムフラージュに基づくプログラムの制御フ ローの隠ぺい. 火の国情報シンポジウム 2018, 情報処理学会九州支部