- azure-cli 2.2.0 or older.
sqlcmd installed.
jq tool installed for your platform:
sudo apt-get install jq
dig tool for your platform - Check that you are able to get the public IP, and install dig tool:
sudo apt install dnsutils dig @resolver1.opendns.com ANY myip.opendns.com +short
Run the following commands after providing values for the variables.
Note: RGLOCATION should be in the right format. Some examples of valid locations are westus, eastus, northeurope, westeurope, eastasia, southeastasia, northcentralus, southcentralus, centralus, eastus2, westus2, japaneast, japanwest, brazilsouth.
export RGNAME=yourResourceGroupName
export RGLOCATION=yourLocation
export SQLADMINUSER=yoursqlAdminUser
export JUMPBOX_USER=yourJumpBoxUser
export ADMIN_USER_ID=$(az ad signed-in-user show --query objectId -o tsv)
Note: For SQL Server administrator password requirements, check Password Policy.
Move to templates directory.
cd templates
Then follow the steps for either standard or high availability deployments.
chmod +x deploy_std.sh
chmod +x deploy_ha.sh
- After deployment ends in the last step, run the following commands to get the resourceURl
echo "{\"id\": \"1\", \"Message\": \"Powered by Azure\", \"MessageType\": \"AD\", \"Url\": \"${RESOURCE_URL}\"}"
The following snippet shows an example of the JSON response:
{"id": "1","Message": "Powered by Azure","MessageType": "AD","Url": "https://webappri.blob.core.windows.net/webappri/Microsoft_Azure_logo_small.png"}
- Open Azure portal, navigate to the resource group of the deployment, and click on Azure Cosmos Db Account.
Select Firewall and virtual network, there you can see:
Add IP ranges to allow access from the internet or your on-premises networks. Click on Add my current ip, and save it. -
Select cacheContainer, then click on Items. Click on New Item. Replace the whole json payload with above content and click Save.
Go to Azure portal and open the resource group of deployment above. Click on Azure Cosmos Db Account, then select Firewall and virtual network, then delete your public ip.
- Go to Azure portal, open the the resource group of deployment above, and click on AppGatewayIp, then copy the IP Address value.
- Edit local host file.
- Add a new record using the IP read in step 1 above with the domain defined in APPGW_URL.
Create SQL server MSI Integration.
At this point you should be able to test the application:
8.1 For standard deployment, open: https://votingapp-std.contoso.com.
8.2 For high availability deployment, open: https://votingapp-ha.contoso.com.
NOTE: Ignore the certificate validation error on the browser.
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