This is a discord bot for the ScuffedMDB website, if you are hosting this website, this bot could be for you!
- Movie Added
Channel creation under specified category
- Movie Deleted
Channel Deletion
Review Added
Embed added to review thread under movie channel
- Review Modified
Embed updated
- Review Deleted
Embed removed from thread
- User Added
- User Banned
First go to the developer panel on discord and create a new application, then under the Bot tab create a new bot and save the bot token for later.
To invite the bot to a server of your choice, insert your client id found under the general information tab of the discord developer panel, to the following URL and then visit it on your browser.<CLIENT_ID>&permissions=8&scope=bot%20applications.commands
Select the server you want the bot in, and job done!
Download files:
git clone
Install dependencies:
npm install
//version of the bot
"version": "1.0.0",
//owner of the bot
"ownerID": "143699512790089729",
//prefix for commands
"prefix": "?",
//color of standard embeds
"embedColor": "#a70000",
//ID of the server the bot is operating in
"serverID": "689991856930553917",
//category that new channels will be created on movie addition
"categoryID": "875431541025693757",
// the role that a user receives on reviewing the latest movie
"reviewedRoleID": "875431637914107955",
// If this value is true, the bot will log every event in console, to a certain channel.
"logChannel": "875590238255333396"
Copy .env.example, rename to .env and fill in the values. .env
BOT_TOKEN=<your bot token go to developer tab on discord create new application -> bot create bot -> copy bot token>
WEBHOOK_TOKEN=<This needs to be the same token as in the website repo, and acts as a password so make it secure!>
Running the bot:
npm run build
npm run start
NB: If you want to make changes to the bot fork it first and then clone it, but make sure whenever you make a change and want to run it in production you need to run npm run build
to compile the typescript to js.
Running the bot in dev mode:
If you use vscode you can use the profile in launch.json to run the bot, or nodemon .
if not.