Admin site:
Main site:
- username: admin
- password: admin123
- username:
- password: 0000000000B
Note: if you made changes and did not see data, refresh the page. Users are technically on the same table in the database, so if you login in the main site using admin users, you will not get the desired experience.
-- email: -- password: ahmadsameer
-- email: -- password: mohammadali
- To create a store, you have to create a client, then go to users and create a user and assign him/heer a client.
- Logout from super user and login with store credentials and you should see you shipments and other details.
This is the main repo for Team Drop and Pickup.
Team Members:
- Mahdy Mousa/Hamad
The platform is a web application consist of two parts, the Frontend, and the Backend.
We are using Angular 8 to create an interactive user interfaces for the platform. We use Typescript to achieve that.
The backend is written in Python using Django as the framework.