A command-line application for curating structured lists of software projects.
First run
pip install apatite
Then run
apatite --help
And you'll see
Usage: /home/mahmoud/virtualenvs/apatite/bin/apatite subcommand [FLAGS]
automation and analytics for curated lists of awesome software.
Normal analysis workflow:
* apatite pull-repos (can take 3-4 hours, 25GB on the full APA, use --targets to limit)
* apatite collect-metrics
* apatite export-metrics
* apatite analyze # TODO
render generate the list markdown from the yaml listing
normalize normalize project and tag order, checking for duplicates and format divergences,
overwrites the yaml listing
pull-repos clone or pull all projects. requires git, hg, and bzr to be installed for projects in APA
collect-metrics use local clones of repositories (from pull-repos) to gather data about projects
show-recent-metrics shows the most recent metrics collection
export-metrics export a csv with metrics collated from previous collect-metrics runs
show-exportable-metrics show a list of metric names available for export-metrics --cols and --cols-file flags
console use pdb to explore plist and pdir
version print the apatite version and exit
--help / -h show this help message and exit