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A PHP wrapper using the PHPXMLRPC library to connect to the MailerMailer API




Just place mailermailer-api-php in a directory accessible by your application.


Create a MAILAPI_Client instance:

$mailapi = new MAILAPI_Client('api key');

Start making calls

$response = $mailapi->getFormFields();

Handle the response appropriately

if (MAILAPI_Error::isError($response)) {
    echo "Error \n";
    echo "Code: " . $response->getErrorCode() . "\n";
    echo "Message: ". $response->getErrorMessage() . "\n";
} else {
    echo "Success\n";
    foreach ($response as $formfield) {
        echo "Fieldname: " . $formfield["fieldname"] . "\n";
        echo "Description:" . $formfield["description"] . "\n";
        echo "Type: " . $formfield["type"] . "\n\n";

Checking the success or failure of any call can be easily done by invoking MAILAPI_Error::isError on the response. If the call encountered an error then the response will be of type Error and isError will return true, otherwise the call succeeded. Every error will have an associated error code and message which can be retrieved through the Error class getter methods as seen in the example above.

For the official documentation of the Mailermailer XML-RPC API please visit here.


We have provided examples for each call available in the API in the examples folder. In order to run the examples make sure you have the following environmental variables set:

MAILAPI_KEY = 'your api key will go here'
MAILAPI_TEST_EMAIL = 'the email address that you would like to use will go here'