A lambda that drops a scheduled job into a resque-managed redis queue
variable name | description | type | default | required |
REDIS_USERNAME | username of the redis instance | string | no | yes |
REDIS_PASSWORD | password of the redis instance (if running locally) | string | no | no |
REDIS_SECRET_NAME | password of the redis instance (pull from secrets manager) | string | no | yes |
SECRET_CACHE_AGE | cache age in seconds of the secrets manager query | string | 300 | no |
REDIS_HOST | hostname of the redis instance | string | no | yes |
REDIS_PORT | port of the redis instance | string | no | yes |
REDIS_DB | db of the redis instance | string | no | yes |
SCHEDULED_QUEUE | name of the queue | string | scheduled | no |
SCHEDULED_JOB_CLASS | name of the job class | string | no | yes |
SCHEDULED_QUEUE_PREFIX | prefix of the queue name | string | no | no |