A simple web proxy for sniffer written in go
Snifferfy sets up a web server that translates HTTP calls into sniffer XCI calls and returns json-formatted results to the web client.
env GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -o bin/snifferfy_0.0.1_linux_amd64
(default: 9001)HTTPPORT
(default: 8080)WORKINGDIR
(default: /usr/share/snf-server/storage/)LOGLEVEL
(default: info)
: health check endpoint for snifferfy / sniffer. returns 500 if there's an error while connecting to sniffer on xci/status
: translates the report xci interface:-
- internal: interval
- accepted values: second, minute, hour
: translates the scanner xci interface-
- input: file, ip (optional), requestId (optional), logEnable [yes/no (default: yes)], xhdrEnable [yes/no (default: no)]
: translates the gbudb testip xci interface-
- input: ip, requestId (optional)
curl -s http://localhost/health
{"result": alive}
curl -H 'interval:minute' -s http://localhost/status
{"Stats":{"NodeId":"ouqpmlwq","Basetime":20210226151406,"Elapsed":1000,"Class":"second","Version":{"Engine":"SNFMulti Engine Version 3.2.1 Build: Apr 18 2016 18:17:39","Platform":"SNF Server Version 3.2.0 Build: Apr 18 2016 18:17:21"},"Timers":{"Run":{"Started":20210226150724,"Elapsed":403},"Sync":{"Latest":19700101000000,"Elapsed":1614352447},"Save":{"Latest":19700101000000,"Elapsed":1614352447},"Condense":{"Latest":19700101000000,"Elapsed":1614352447}},"Gbudb":{"Size":{"Bytes":8388608},"Records":{"Count":3},"Utilization":{"Percent":0.0488281}},"Rules":{"Rulesbase":{"Utc":0},"Active":{"Utc":20210226150715},"Update":{"Ready":"no","Utc":0},"Latest":{"Rule":"1607360"}}}}
Scan requests are sent by sending the email contents to be scanned as the request body. Optional paramaters (listed above) are set in the HTTP header.
curl --data-binary @- -H 'xhdrenable:yes' -s http://localhost/scan < /tmp/000012AC-3C32-4AD7-804C-AF2B416835A2.1 | jq
curl -H 'ip:' -s http://localhost/testip