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Labeling System Server

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The Labeling System offers experts the possibility to create concepts with context-bound validity, to concretize, to group in containers (vocabularies) and to share them with the research community. The LS provides user-friendly web tools that allow semantic linking of terms into the Linked Open Data Cloud. Once vocabularies are published, the LS serves as a distributed repository of concepts (concept-gazetteer), which provides citable addresses on the Web (URI). Each generated concept is explicit assigned to its creator. This assured authorship yield in a clear responsibility for data maintenance.

The Labeling System consists of two components: the server and the client wep-app. The datamodel used in the backend is represented in an ontology using linked data vocabularies. This repository represents the server component of the Labeling System.

Server Components



RESTful API for Labeling System applications.

API Documentation (Version 1): APIdoc


RESTful API to provide cool URIs for Labeling System items.


RDF4J triplestore and SQlite databases

web server

nginx and Tomcat



  • Java 8
  • Tomcat
  • RDF4J 2.0 (server, workbench (opt.))
  • Labeling System war-files


  • CentOS (Linux release 7.2.1511 (Core))
  • nginx (nginx/1.6.3) (Port 80)
  • Tomcat (Version 8.5.4) (Port 8080)
  • Java (openjdk version "1.8.0_101") (OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_101-b13)) (OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.101-b13, mixed mode))
  • RDF4J (server and workbench 2.0)
  • SQlite support

folder structure

  • recommended
    • [...] = /opt
    • [tomcat] = /opt/tomcat

required foldes and files with r/w rights for Tomcat

  • /[...]/db/
  • /[tomcat]/webapps/share/
  • /[tomcat]/webapps/dump/
  • /[tomcat]/webapps/ROOT/

required files

  • /[tomcat]/webapps/api.war
  • /[tomcat]/webapps/item.war
  • /[tomcat]/webapps/rdf4j-server.war
  • /[tomcat]/webapps/rdf4j-workbench.war (optional)
  • /[...]/db/ls.sqlite (db with r/w rights for Tomcat)

How to set-up the server?

  • install CentOS
  • install nginx
  • install OpenJDK
  • install Tomcat
  • configure nginx (Port 80) and Tomcat (Port 8080)
  • create folders and set r/w rights for Tomcat role
  • copy dump script to /opt folder (if data is not in opt folder, change paths in shell script)
  • start dump cron job
  • get hashed admin and demo password via /auth/hash and write it to sqlite database
  • copy SQLite and Person database into db folder and set full r/w rights (chmod 777)
  • deploy war files for triplestore (rdf4j-server.war, rdf4j-workbench.war)
  • create labelingsystem and datahub repository in RDF4J
  • modify default triples
  • fill labelingsystem repository with default triples
  • configure application in their WAR packages using config[XXX].properties
  • deploy war files for ls backend (api.war, item.war)
  • configure frontend app and set host for API
  • deploy Labeling System frontend app
  • deploy Label Explorer

Development Hints

The code was developed in NetBeans IDE 8.1, using Java EE 7 Web, JDK 1.8 and Maven 4.0.



  • Florian Thiery M.Sc.
    • Institut für Raumbezogene Informations- und Messtechnik (i3mainz)
    • Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum, Leibniz-Forschungsinstitut für Archäologie (RGZM)
    • Mainzer Zentrum für Digitalität in den Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaften (mainzed)