Android client for GitHub personal account, with shared module for cross-platform code /Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile.
It's my previous app migration to KMM. Goal was to move data layer (storage and logic of working with the network) to the shared module.
What's been changed:
- SharedPrefs -> Multiplatform-Settings with platform realizations
- Retrofit -> Ktor
- Hilt -> Koin
- added Napier for logging.
Splash Screen (Splash Screen API used). Auth screen: In-app checks of authorization token, and handling errors came from GitHub server as per tech reqs:
Skipping Auth screen if already logged before (saving encrypted token in encrypted shared prefs):
Repositories list screen, click on item, repository info screen, logout:
Handling No Readme case error from GitHub server:
Lost Network connection case and retry:
Empty repos case: