In this project, I built a geometry remeshing software. The remeshing result can be processed and previewed at a fast speed, enabling interactive controlling of the remeshing quality and control map editing.
Below are the major steps involved in this pipeline:
- Mesh parametrization using Harmonic Parameterization
- Features extraction
- Control map design
- Control map sampling and preview
- Mesh creation through Delaunay triangulation (with optimization option)
- Reproject 2D mesh into 3D
Currently, the input of this pipeline must be a mesh patch with genus-0 and a open boundary. The output of this pipeline is a new mesh which has the desired properties (e.g., uniform). Libraries Used
- libigl:
Pierre Alliez, Mark Meyer, and Mathieu Desbrun. 2002. Interactive geometry remeshing. ACM Trans. Graph. 21, 3 (July 2002), 347-354. DOI=