You want to import an simple excel file, load some data in your object in order to insert in the database using you favorite ORM.
But it's a problem, you need to write that all the logic in order to read your data from the excel, but here comes SimpleExcelImport.
What do you need? Install the nuget package using:
Install-Package SimpleExcelImport
Decorate your object with the SimpleExcelImport's attributes:
public class Product
public string Code { get; set; }
[ExcelImport("Description", order = 2)]
public string Description { get; set; }
[ExcelImport("Section", order = 3)]
public string Section { get; set; }
[ExcelImport("Width", order = 4)]
public int Width { get; set; }
[ExcelImport("Height", order = 4)]
public int Height { get; set; }
Read all bytes from your excel files and read it with SimpleExcelImport to a List of object, and that is all!!
var data=File.ReadAllBytes(@"C:\products.xls"));
ImportFromExcel import = new ImportFromExcel();
//first parameter it's the sheet number in the excel workbook
//second parameter it's the number of rows to skip at the start(we have an header in the file)
List<Product> output=import.ExcelToList<Product>(0,1);
Do you need read a excel file in Open Xml format(Xlsx excel 2007), you only need to change the method to load the file:
var data=File.ReadAllBytes(@"C:\products.xlsx"));
ImportFromExcel import = new ImportFromExcel();
//first parameter it's the sheet number in the excel workbook
//second parameter it's the number of rows to skip at the start(we have an header in the file)
List<Product> output=import.ExcelToList<Product>(0,1);
Also added method to load directly the file only with path(no need to load in memory the file in order to be read by the library).