LTE-A Proximity-based Services, Device-to-device Communication module for NS-3
This repository hosts a prototyping environment developed for EPC-level user device discovery and communication in LTE-Advanced networks, called D2dSim. Using the popular network simulation platform NS-3, it is one of the first open-source D2D implementation attempt of a subset of the 3GPP Proximity-based Services Release 12/13.
**Implemented features:
EPC Network-assisted device discovery
UE Proximity Application (ProseApp) <-> EPC Proximity Function Entity (ProseFcn)
See files: lte/model/epc-prose*, lte-proseapp*, lte/helper/lte-prose-helper*
LTE-Direct communication (UE <-> UE)
WiFi adhoc, to emulate WiFi-Direct for comparison purposes (UE <-> UE)
**What remains to be done:
LTE-Direct discovery; some data structures are in draft stage.
**1. Configuration on Ubuntu:
apt-get install libgccxml-dev libgsl0-dev libopenmpi-dev python-dev python-pygraphviz \
python-kiwi python-pygoocanvas python-gnome2 python-rsvg libsqlite3-dev gtk+-2.0-dev
**2. Get the ns-3 development tree:
hg clone -r 12192 ns3-dev
cd ns3-dev
export NS3_DIR=`pwd`
** Note that recent updates of mainstream ns-3 can bring compilation or runtime failures,
due to TrafficControl & Queuing features that were added to the IP network module.
Thus, use Revision 12192 above.
**3. Pull the D2D-related changesets:
git clone
cp -Rv d2d/* src/
mv d2d/.git src/ # For future updates with git pull
cd $NS3_DIR
export CXXFLAGS="-O0 -ggdb -g3 -Wall -std=c++11 -fstrict-aliasing -Wstrict-aliasing"
./waf configure --build-profile=debug --enable-sudo --enable-examples
**4. Build:
CXXFLAGS="-std=c++11" ./waf build
**5. Run:
./waf --run d2dsim
** Utility scripts are in:
d2dbuild.bash Build and display log
d2drun.bash Executes D2dSim and display logged output at program termination
d2ddbg.bash Runs D2dSim under the GDB debugger ...
Link them under /usr/local/bin/ for your convenience
Stats files(txt, pcap) are saved under the OUTPUT directory.
Recommended environment: (K)Ubuntu 15.x, 16.x; g++ 4.9, 5.x
Detailed documentation will be written later on.
This project was initially hosted at:
NS-3 LTE module: (C) Centre Tecnologic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC)
HTTP-related code: (C) Georgia Tech Research Corporation
D2D features: (C) 2014-2016 Gyeonsang N. University
InfoCom Engineering department
Adviser: Woongsup Lee
Implementer: Makhtar Diouf