This project contains scripts and snippets to work with and implement OpenShift Pipelines.
The Script bin/ sets several environment variables used in the particular scripts.
Check the template file serviceaccount/github-makker-secret.yml.tpl to update the GitHub/GitLab credentials. Use a Personal Access Token for the password. The Script serviceaccount/ refers to that template file to create the secret.
The template file serviceaccount/github-makker-service-account.yml.tpl is used to create a service account, with a reference to the above mentioned secret. The Script serviceaccount/ refers to that template file to create the serviceaccount.
The template file workspaces/sources-pvc.yaml.tpl is used to create a Persistent Volume Claim. The Script workspaces/ refers to that template file to create the PVC.
The tasks/list-directory-task.yml describes a Task that lists the contents of a workspace. The Script tasks/ refers to that template file to create the task.
The tasks/os-maven-clustertask.yml describes a Task that performs a maven command with openshift as profile. The Script tasks/ refers to that template file to create the clustertask.
The pipelines/list-directory-task.yml describes a sample Pipeline that checks out a GitHub/GitLab repository. The Script pipelines/ refers to that template file to create the pipeline..
The pipelines/fabric8-deploy-pipeline.yml.tpl describes a Pipeline that checks out a GitHub/GitLab repository and uses a Fabric8 maven task to deploy a project. The Script pipelines/ refers to that template file to create the pipeline..
The Script pipelineruns/ starts the clone-list-pipeline, for the AnimalOrderSOAP project.
The Script pipelineruns/ starts the fabric8-deploy-pipeline, for the AnimalOrderSOAP project.
The roles/mvn-build-cfg-chg-cntlr-clusterrole.yml describes a role with grants needed to do a maven build with Fabric8. The Script roles/ refers to that template file to create the role. The Script roles/ grants the mvn-build-config-change-controller role to the serviceaccount. The Script roles/ grants the cluster-image-registry-operator role to the serviceaccount. Removed rolebindings for 'system:image-builder' and 'system:openshift:controller:build-config-change-controller'.
The script configmaps/ creates a config map to be used as an environment variable.
The script configmaps/ creates a config map for the file.
The script configmaps/ creates a config map for the application.yml file.
Install Nexus as a mirror/cache with utils/