Easy vector, quaternion library designed for rotations and sensor fusion filters in C++14. It is also mobile device agnostic as mobile devices,such as iphones use y axis front and pitch is around X axis.
- concatanating rotations is as simple as multiplying quaternions (q1,q2,q3,q4) in respective order
- rotating vector3 is as simple as multiplying with quaternion
- reverse rotation is negating
- rotation between two quaternions
- slerp is as simple as multiplying quaternion with scalar ex half angle rotation of q1 is
- mid rotation between two quaternions is
- constructor and constant static variables
Vector3 v(0.5,0.7,0.3);
- from constant static variables
Vector3 v = Vector3::X;
- c++11 version
auto v = Vector3::X;
- negating
auto negx = -Vector3::X;
- arithmetic operations
auto v = (0.3*(Vector3::X+Vector3::Y)).normalized();
- multiplying with scalar all xyz
auto v2 = v1*0.5
- multiplying with vector
Vector3 coef(0.5,0.3,0.1); auto v = coef*Vector::X;
- using in filtering
auto beta = 0.1; auto result = Vector::X*beta + Vector::Y*(1-beta);
- rotation quaternion between two vectors
Quaternion q = Vector3::X.rotation(Vector3::Y);
- rotation quaternion around specific axis (not that there are many axis that can yield to same roation result)
Quaternion q = Vector3::X.rotation(Vector3::Y,-Vector3::Z);
- to array
vector<scalar> v = Vector3::X.array();
- from array
Vector3 v = {0.2,0.30,0.5};
- from vector iterator
vector<scalar> vec = {0.2,0.30,0.5,0.45}; Vector3 v = vec.begin()+1;
- degree to radian and vice versa conversion
inline scalar rad(scalar deg); inline scalar deg(scalar rad);
- degree to radian and vice versa conversion
inline scalar rad(scalar deg); inline scalar deg(scalar rad);
- max,min,pow,abs
inline Vector3 pow(const Vector3& v,scalar p); inline Vector3 abs(const Vector3& v); inline Vector3 max(const Vector3& v1,const Vector3& v2); inline Vector3 min(const Vector3& v1,const Vector3& v2);
- define
if your application is for mobile or mobile data ``` #define MOBILE ```` - it is also automatically defined in header as
- sensor type
enum SensorType{ none = 0,accelerometer,gyroscope,magnetometer,coreMotion,position,velocity,userAcceleration,pixels };
- sensor data
class SensorData{ public: double time = 0; // in secs SensorType type = SensorType::none; Vector3 v = Vector3::Zero; };
File read/write operations are simplified
- reading vector3 list
vector<Vector3> rtn; ifstream(path)>>rtn;
- reading SensorData list
vector<SensorData> rtn; ifstream(path)>>rtn;
- writing vector3 list
vector<Vector3> rtn = {Vector3::X,Vector3::Y,Vector3::Z}; ofstream(path)<<rtn<<endl;
- writing SensorData list
vector<SensorData> rtn; ofstream(path)<<rtn<<endl;
- use n dimensional search when local minima is equal to global minima, otherwise it probably will find one of local minimas
vector<scalar> ternary(vector<scalar> start, vector<scalar> end, function<scalar(vector<scalar>)> eval);
- exmaple code for finding calibration parameters of magnetometer
void findMagBiasCollectively(const vector<SensorData>& list){ if(list.size()==0) return; auto mlist = SensorData::filter(list, SensorType::magnetometer); Vector3 mx = mlist[0].v,mn=mlist[0].v; for(auto i:mlist){ mx = vector3::max(i.v,mx); mn = vector3::min(i.v,mn); } auto mxl = {1.0,2.0,2.0}; auto mnl = {1.0,0.0,0.0}; auto biasList = vector3::ternary( mn.array() , mx.array() , [&](vector<scalar> p){ Vector3 v(p); auto r = 0.0; for(auto i : mlist){ r += ((i.v - v)).length(); } r /= mlist.size(); auto error = 0.0; for(auto i : mlist){ auto t = ((i.v - v)).length() - r; error += t*t; } return error; }); magBias = biasList; }
Example codes:
using namespace vector3;
auto v = Vector3::X;
auto roll = rad(40.0);
auto pitch = rad(40.0);
auto yaw = rad(40.0);
auto q = Quaternion(roll,pitch,yaw);
q = Quaternion(roll,pitch,yaw,RotationOrder::rpy);
q = q*Quaternion(roll,0,0);
Vector3 to = v*q;
Quaternion q1 = v.rotation(to);
std::cout << "roll: " << deg(q.roll())<<", pitch: " << deg(q.pitch())
<< ", yaw: " << deg(q.yaw()) << endl;
std::cout << "roll: " << deg(to.roll())<<", pitch: " << deg(to.pitch())
<< ", yaw: " << deg(to.yaw()) << endl;
by Maksim Piriyev @ https://dron.ee