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Repository prepared for deploying Cloud Functions written in Go and using Private Go Modules

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Private GitHub Go Modules made Easy


This example shows how to easily deploy Cloud Functions written in Go using private Go modules. Achieved using custom Cloud Build steps to gain acces to private Git repositories and automatically vendors them in the cloud during the deployment.

It uses an X-OAUTH-TOKEN (from GitHub), which is securely Encrypted using Cloud KMS and after Decryption stored as an ENV variable.

What this example does is:

  • Helps you setup Cloud KMS token encryption
  • It vendors all functions (subdirectories) in the /functions dir
  • Deletes go.mod and go.sum files for all functions (subdirectories) in the /functions dir
  • Uses the appropriate gcloud commands to deploy the specified functions as Cloud Build steps to deploy functions without go.mod files conflicting with vendor-ed dependencies.

The example uses the following products:

  • Cloud Functions
  • Cloud Build
  • Cloud KMS



  • A Google Cloud Platform account with billing enabled

Prepare GitHub OAuth Token and encrypt it on Cloud KMS

Prepare a file where you'll input your OAuth Token (the whole prep folder is in .gitignore, except for Makefile)

$ cd prep
$ make sample

Replace content of github-token file (including newline character at the end...There can only be a single string) with your actual OAuth token.

To generate this token for Github, go here: Personal access tokens and click on "Generate new token". Check the checkbox next to "repo" to give it access to your private repositories and click on "Generate token" at the bottom of the page (you can also give it a description so you'll know what you'll be using it for).

After the sample file contains only your access token, execute:

$ make newkeyring
$ make newkey
$ make secretenv

Open a newly created file encoded and copy its content to cloudbuild.yaml inside the root directory of your repository. Find the 4th line and replace the value with your encrypted string.

Now also replace <PROJECT-ID> in the 2nd line with your actual Project-ID from Google Cloud.

Note: Default names for Keyring and Key are specified (and configurable) directly inside Makefile.

Steps for Gaining Access to Private Repositories

To gain access and use the OAuth Token, you have to make proper cloudbuild.yaml steps:

- kmsKeyName: projects/<PROJECT-ID>/locations/global/keyRings/<KeyRingName>/cryptoKeys/<CryptoKeyName>
# Default `KeyRingName` and `CryptoKeyName`, specified in Makefile,
# are `github-keyring` and `github-token` respectively.
    GITHUB: "<EncodedAccessToken>"

This must be at the beginning of the cloudbuild.yaml file. It is used to Decrypt the earlier prepared OAuth Token needed to gain access to your Private Repository.

The decrypted value is stored in the ENV variable called GITHUB.

To configure access to our private repository, we have to tell Git how to access it. For this purpose we have an ash script (we are using alpine), where we configure Git to use proper credentials when accessing private repositories. At the end, privateRepoAccess should look something like this:


git config --global url."https://$<username>/".insteadOf "<username>"

We configure Git to modify all URLs trying to access Github repositories from <username> to use proper credentials to access them. This way, we can configure proper Github access at a per user basis, in case multiple people are working on our project and they have their own private repositories hosting certain packages they are working on.

And now we must execute this script to actually use these configurations:

# Load dependencies
- name: ''
  entrypoint: 'ash' # because this is alpine
  - -c
  - |
    ash privateRepoAccess  # Exec script to gain Private Access
    cd functions           # Our functions are here
    for d in */ ; do       # Now vendor all of them
      cd $d
      go mod tidy
      go mod vendor
      rm -f go.mod
      rm -f go.sum
      cd ..
  secretEnv: ['GITHUB']

We use the Cloud Builder for Go with a custom entrypoint, since we want to execute some ash (bash alternative) commands.

First we execute the script to make proper Git configurations, and then we navigate to the folder where all our functions (one function per subfolder) are located - functions.

Now all we have to do is go into each subfolder (which is an independent Cloud Function) and execute Go commands to vendor our modules ... First we tidy our go.mod file (you can remove this step) and then we vendor our dependencies.

Once our dependencies are vendored, we delete go.mod and go.sum files, since we don't want them to conflict with our vendored dependencies (gcloud alpha functions deploy gives preference to using modules to build when possible).

All the following steps can be used to freely deploy as many functions as you want without having to pay any more attention to whether you've manually vendored them or not!

Each Cloud Build step for Cloud Functions can be defined like this:

- name: ''
  - alpha
  - functions
  - deploy
  - ${_PREFIX}-<function-name>
  - --trigger-http
  - --entry-point=BrezBaze
  - --runtime=go111
  - --memory=128MB
  dir: 'functions/noDBExp'


  • ${_PREFIX} - used to give custom prefix to all functions when deploying them as a custom (probably temporary) group and you don't want it to interfere with their another, separate instance.
  • - Replace with your own name for the function
  • dir: 'functions/' - This is where you specify the root folder for this individual Cloud Function.

Correct modules Import paths in files:

Since you'll be testing this in a Private Repository, don't forget to properly adjust import paths and/or module URLs in the following files:

  • go.mod - module URL
  • modules/mytest/go.mod - module URL
  • functions/anotherFunc/go.mod - module URL
  • functions/anotherFunc/function.go - import path
  • functions/noDBExp/go.mod - module URL
  • functions/noDBExp/function.go - import path

Manually trigger a Cloud Build

To submit a command to build and deploy your group of functions can be easily done by executing the following command (from the root dir of the repository):

gcloud builds submit --config cloudbuild.yaml --substitutions=_PREFIX="myprefix" .


Notice the flag: --substitutions= - this is how we tell the Cloud Build what out _PREFIX is going to be during this build-time. By using the same PREFIX, one can easily delete the whole group of testing functions from the same stage (deployed using the same _PREFIX) by executing this command:

gcloud builds submit --config cloudbuilddelete.yaml --substitutions=_PREFIX="myprefix" --no-source


If you want to remove substitutions from this command, you'd also have to remove all its occurrences within cloudbuild.yaml.

Notice the --no-source flag. This flag is used because we aren't compiling/building the app, only deleting the already existing Cloud Functions. This simply means we have no need for sending any source code, which saves us the time it normally takes to upload the source code archive and verify its contents.

Your functions are now online! Or removed ...

To simplify the process, you can also use:

make deploy
make delete

Or make a BASH alternative, since it is pretty much the same...

Set up the required permissions

Cloud Build doesn't, by default, have access to the Cloud Functions API within your project. Before attempting a deployment, follow the Cloud Functions Deploying artifacts instructions (steps 2 and 3, in particular).

Note that you will need your project number (not your project name/id). When looking at the IAM page, there will typically only be one entry that matches [YOUR-PROJECT-NUMBER]

Cloud Build also doesn't, by default, have access to the Cloud KMS API within your project. Before attempting a deployment, follow the Grant the Cloud Build service account access to the CryptoKey

Submit a build request

If the submitted build succeeded, you should now see a similar LOG to this one:

gcloud builds submit --config cloudbuild.yaml --substitutions=_PREFIX="test" .
Creating temporary tarball archive of 20 file(s) totalling 6.4 KiB before compression.
Some files were not included in the source upload.

Check the gcloud log [<OMITTED>.log] to see which files and the contents of the
default gcloudignore file used (see `$ gcloud topic gcloudignore` to learn

Uploading tarball of [.] to [gs://<PROJECT-ID>_cloudbuild/source/<OMITTED>.tgz]
Created [<PROJECT-ID>/builds/<OMITTED>].
Logs are available at [<OMITTED>].
--------------------------------------------- REMOTE BUILD OUTPUT ------------------------------------------------
starting build "<OMITTED>"

Fetching storage object: gs://<PROJECT-ID>_cloudbuild/source/<OMITTED>.tgz#<OMITTED>
Copying gs://<PROJECT-ID>_cloudbuild/source/<OMITTED>.tgz#<OMITTED>...
/ [1 files][  3.1 KiB/  3.1 KiB]
Operation completed over 1 objects/3.1 KiB.
Starting Step #0
Step #0: Already have image (with digest):
Step #0: <OMITTED>
Step #0: go: finding<USERNAME>/<REPO-NAME>/modules/mytest v0.0.0-<OMITTED>-<OMITTED>
Step #0: go: downloading<USERNAME>/<REPO-NAME>/modules/mytest v0.0.0-<OMITTED>-<OMITTED>
Finished Step #0
Starting Step #1
Step #1: Already have image (with digest):
Step #1: Deploying function (may take a while - up to 2 minutes)...
Step #1: ..................done.
Step #1: availableMemoryMb: 128
Step #1: entryPoint: BrezBaze
Step #1: httpsTrigger:
Step #1:   url: https://<REGION>-<PROJECT-ID>
Step #1: labels:
Step #1:   deployment-tool: cli-gcloud
Step #1: name: projects/<PROJECT-ID>/locations/<REGION>/functions/test-func1
Step #1: runtime: go111
Step #1: serviceAccountEmail: <PROJECT-ID>
Step #1: sourceUploadUrl:<REGION>-<OMITTED>
Step #1: status: ACTIVE
Step #1: timeout: 60s
Step #1: updateTime: '2018-11-21T13:41:28Z'
Step #1: versionId: '29'
Finished Step #1

ID         CREATE_TIME                DURATION  SOURCE                                             IMAGES  STATUS
<OMITTED>  2018-11-21T13:40:49+00:00  41S       gs://<PROJECT-ID>_cloudbuild/source/<OMITTED>.tgz  -       SUCCESS

Test that the deployment worked

Use curl to send a request to your function. You can find the function's endpoint in the Cloud Build logs.

$ curl https://<REGION>-<PROJECT_NAME>
Yo, World!


Repository prepared for deploying Cloud Functions written in Go and using Private Go Modules






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