In teaching myself to code, much of March 2020 to September 2020 consisted of doing Codewars challenges.
Codewars is an excellent resource for learning a programming language while simultaneously improving your problem solving skills and exercising your logical thinking skills.
Here in this repository you will find solutions for roughly 100 kata in JavaScript and almost 200 kata in Ruby.
Within the JavaScript and Ruby directories, katas are grouped based on ranking i.e. 6kyu, 5kyu, 4kyu etc.
Every file consists of a single kata, and in that file you will find not just a solution, but a 'write up'.
A write up consists of the following:
My solution, along with a detailed explanation of that solution.
One or two solutions from other Codewars users, along with detailed explanations of those solutions.
For most katas, solutions from other users are included, when they are not, I may have provided an 'alternate solution', made by myself.
Here is an example write up (click on the image to enlarge):