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Golang implementation of the Picture Transfer Protocol over IP

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PTP/IP protocol implementation in Go

This project started out as an implementation of

  • the Picture Transfer Protocol (PTP) ISO-15740
  • the PTP over IP protocol (PTP-IP) DC-X005-2005

while the goals were

  • get to learn the Go programming language better; all code improvement suggestions are thus always welcomed (there will undoubtedly be lots of those ;-) ) so feel free to create a PR
  • stick to the Go standard packages and use as little external dependencies as possible
  • have a working PTP/IP implementation for a Fuji X-T1 camera on firmware 5.51 as a nice reverse engineering exercise :-p
  • make the implementation such that the camera can be programmed using any scripting language to get features such as: focus stacking, time-lapse photography (and ultimately even triggers based on what the camera is actually seeing using

What it has become

The ptp package

This package holds all the PTP protocol related stuff. It's pretty basic for now and needs some work to make it a lot more usable as a stand-alone package. As the Fuji implementation deviates quite a bit from the PTP/IP standard, the work on this package is somewhat limited because of the custom stuff needed to talk to a Fuji device.

Whenever possible, this package is used to stick to the standard as much as we can.

The ip package

This one holds the IP transport layer implementation of the PTP protocol. As with the ptp package, it is not fully developed because of the same reason: the Fuji PTP/IP implementation takes lots of bits and pieces from the standard but extends and drops just as much.

The Fuji parts are in _fuji files and any other future vendor that gets added should use the same approach.

The fmt package

All things related to formatting that are not at all part of the PTP nor PTP/IP protocols are in here. The ptp and ip packages are meant to be usable without the need for the fmt package.

Fuji specific stuff is in _fuji files and any other future vendor that gets added should do the same.

The viewfinder package

This package came about after having implemented live view support. It is responsible for rendering viewfinder icons over the live view images so that the end user can see the current camera state at all times.

The cmd package

A command line interface implementation of the PTP/IP protocol that uses the ptp, ip, fmt and viewfinder packages. See CLI command for further info.

Connecting to your camera

The first and obvious step is to enable the camera's Wi-Fi. Have your network manager scan for new SSIDs and connect to the one from your camera. It will most likely have an obvious name. A Fujifilm X-T1 SSID, for example, starts with FUJIFILM-X-T1 followed by four more characters.

Linux NetworkManager troubleshooting

If you have trouble establishing a Wi-Fi connection to your camera, start off by tailing the logs: sudo journalctl -f. When those are open, connect to your camera's SSID and look closely at what it spews out.

IPv6 errors

If you see IPv6 related errors in the logs, make sure you disable IPv6 for the connection to your camera's SSID. You can do this using the UI: under the IPv6 settings select the method disabled. Or you can edit the config file directly: sudo vi /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/[SSID].nmconnection.

Look for the [ipv6] section or add it if it's not there and make sure this line is present: method=disabled.

Cannot get an IP from the camera's DHCP server

If you are using NetworkManager with its built-in, and rather buggy, DHCP client, you might have trouble getting a DHCP address from the camera. In this case, you could try using dhclient as follows:

  1. Make sure dhclient is installed: simply run dhclient --version from the CLI and if you see output in the sense of isc-dhclient-4.4.2 then you're good to go :-). If not, install it first.
  2. Now let's tell NetworkManager to use it by adding some config: sudo vi /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/dhcp-client.conf
  3. Paste the following config and save it:
  1. Finish by restarting the NetworkManager service: sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager
  2. Do another connection attempt to your camera's SSID, which should now complete as expected.
  3. If you're still having trouble connecting, stop as many applications and/or services as possible that might be fighting for DNS requests or other network related things, as the camera could simply be overwhelmed and has no time or resources to hand out an IP address. The first shutdown candidates here are any web browser (Chrome, Firefox, Edge) or chat applications such as Slack, WhatsApp etc.

CLI command


To build the command including the OpenGL based live view, make sure you have the proper dependencies installed. When that is done, simply execute:

make clean; make

This will result in a ptpip binary in the root dir of this GIT repository.

To build a version without live view support and shave off a big megabyte or so run:

make clean; make nolv

This will result in a ptpip-nolv binary in the root dir. The nolv version will lack:

  1. live view support: the liveview command will display a message it is not compiled in
  2. instant display of a preview of the captured image when issuing the capture command without arguments


Executing the ptpip command without arguments or with the -? flag will print its usage:

Usage of ptpip:
  -?    Display usage information.
  -c string
        The command to send to the responder.
  -f string
        Read all settings from a config file. The config file will override any command line flags present.
  -g string
        A custom GUID to use for the initiator. (default random)
  -h string
        The responder host to connect to. (default "")
  -i    This will run the ptpip command with an interactive shell.
  -n string
        A custom friendly name to use for the initiator.
  -p value
        The responder port to connect to. Use this flag when the responder has only ONE port for all channels! (default 15740)
  -pc value
        The responder port used for the Command/Data connection.
  -pe value
        The responder port used for the Event connection.
  -ps value
        The responder port used for the streamer or 'live view' connection.
  -s    This will run the ptpip command as a server
  -sa string
        To be used in combination with '-s': this defines the server address to listen on. (default "")
  -sp value
        To be used in combination with '-s': this defines the server port to listen on. (default 15740)
  -t string
        The vendor of the responder that will be connected to. (default "generic")
  -v value
        PTP/IP log level verbosity: ranges from v to vvv.
        Display version info.

Config file

The config file is in the classic INI file format. Some examples:

; This is us
friendly_name = "Golang PTP/IP generic client"
; Generate a new random one using uuidgen or some other tool!
; Or simply do cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid
guid = "cca455de-79ac-4b12-9731-91e433a899cf"

; The target we will be connecting to
host = ""
port = 15740

; Config when running as a server
; Setting this to true will enable server mode
enabled = true
address = ""
port = 15740
; This is us
friendly_name = "Golang PTP/IP Fuji client"
; Generate a new random one using uuidgen or some other tool!
; Or simply do cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid
guid = "9fe5160c-4951-404d-9505-10baaf725606"

; The target we will be connecting to
vendor = "fuji"
cmd_data_port = 55740
event_port = 55741
stream_port = 55742

; Config when running as a daemon
; Setting this to true will enable server mode
enabled = true
address = ""
port = 15740

Exit codes

Depending on the error, the exit code of the ptpip command will differ:

  1. Unspecified: 1
  2. Invalid arguments: 2
  3. Error opening config file: 102
  4. Error creating client: 104
  5. Error connecting to responder: 105

Supported commands

Commands can be executed using the -c flag or when running in server mode by sending them to the port the server is listening on.

When using the -c flag to issue commands with parameters, take care to wrap the full command in quotes. E.g.:

ptpip -f ~/fuji.conf -c "capture /tmp/capture.jpg"


This command will make the responder capture (an) image(s). By default a single capture will be made, but you can supply the command with an integer parameter to capture X amount of images:

capture 5

Some devices will return a preview of the captured image. To save this preview to disk, you can also pass a path to write the preview to:

capture /tmp/my-preview.jpg


capture 3 /tmp/my-preview.jpg

The latter will result in a counter to be added to the given filename, making the filename from the example look like /tmp/my-preview-%d.jpg where %d is replaced with a counter starting from 1.

Note: existing files will shamelessly be overwritten!

If the command is compiled with liveview support, you can view the preview image returned by the camera like so:

capture view

This will open a window displaying the preview of the captured image.

There are three aliases for this command: shoot, shutter and snap.


Describe will request a device property description for the given device property. The property can be a hexadecimal code (0x5005), or a unified property name. Names supported are:

  1. delay
  2. effect
  3. exposure
  4. exp-bias
  5. flashmode
  6. focusmtr
  7. iso
  8. whitebalance

The output can be formatted as JSON by adding json as additional parameter. As a last parameter you can specify pretty to print the JSON output indented. The full length command would be:

describe 0x5005 json pretty

Note: for Fuji cameras, some property descriptions will be incomplete when they are requested before having called the info command. Exactly which properties have that odd behavior can be determined by doing an info json pretty call.


Help without arguments displays help about all available commands. You can also call help with one parameter being the specific command you want to print help about.

help info


The info command will display the current info about the camera. The output will vary from vendor to vendor. There is one additional parameter for this command: json. It is no doubt clear what it does: it will print the data as parsable JSON output, but again it will differ from vendor to vendor! Finally, the json parameter itself has the option pretty to print indented JSON output, e.g.:

info json pretty

This command will request a property from the camera and return its current value. The parameter defining the property can be a hexadecimal property code, like 0x5005, or a unified property name. The currently supported names are:

  1. delay: delay before releasing shutter
  2. effect: like sepia or other vendor specific effects or film simulations
  3. exposure: exposure time
  4. exp-bias: exposure bias compensation
  5. flashmode
  6. focusmtr: focus metering mode, or focus point
  7. iso
  8. whitebalance


This does what it says on the tin if your camera supports it. This will open an additional window displaying a live view through the camera lens.

If your camera vendor has viewfinder support added to the viewfinder package, viewfinder widgets showing the current camera settings will be displayed in the live view window. The state of the camera is polled once per second so as not to overload the camera with requests.

If you want to eliminate this state polling, you can call liveview with the nolv parameter:

liveview nolv

This will enable live view without the viewfinder overlay.


This command is intended for reverse engineering and/or debugging purposes. It takes two parameters in hexadecimal form: the first one is the operation code to execute, and the second one is a parameter for the operation. Whether or not this second parameter is mandatory depends on the operation being executed. An example would be to describe (0x1014) a responder's image size property (0x5003) by calling:

opreq 0x1014 0x5003

The output will always be a hexadecimal dump of the packets received from the responder.

See server mode below for example output.


This command will set a property on the camera to the requested value. The first parameter indicating the property to be set, can be a hexadecimal property code, like 0x5005, or a unified property name. The currently supported names are:

  1. delay
  2. effect
  3. exposure
  4. exp-bias
  5. flashmode
  6. focusmtr
  7. iso
  8. whitebalance

The second parameter is the value to set the property to. E.g.:

set iso 0x320

Only hexadecimal values are currently supported. You can use the describe command to see exactly which values are supported for a given property.


This command is, for now, only supported by Fuji cameras and will display the current state of a fixed list of camera dependent properties. Do note that this list will change depending on the exposure program mode of the camera. So aperture priority will have a different list than shutter priority or manual or auto.

Like the info command, state also has the json parameter to output the data in JSON parsable format with the additional pretty for indented JSON output:

state json pretty

Server mode

When executing the command with the -s flag, it will first connect to your specified camera and when that succeeds a socket is opened on port 15740, unless you specified a custom listen address and/or port using the -sa and -sp flags.

As soon as you see output along the lines of:

[Local server] listening on
[Local server] awaiting messages... (CTRL+C to quit)

you can start sending messages. You can use any language you like to communicate with the socket. From a linux command line interface such as bash, you can simply use nc to connect and send a message.

An example of using the opreq command for debugging or reverse engineering purposes would be:

$ nc 15740
opreq 0x902B

Received 356 bytes. HEX dump:
00000000  64 01 00 00 02 00 2b 90  07 00 00 00 08 00 00 00  |d.....+.........|
00000010  16 00 00 00 12 50 04 00  01 00 00 00 00 02 03 00  |.....P..........|
00000020  00 00 02 00 04 00 14 00  00 00 0c 50 04 00 01 02  |...........P....|
00000030  00 09 80 02 02 00 09 80  0a 80 24 00 00 00 05 50  |..........$....P|
00000040  04 00 01 02 00 02 00 02  0a 00 02 00 04 00 06 80  |................|
00000050  01 80 02 80 03 80 06 00  0a 80 0b 80 0c 80 36 00  |..............6.|
00000060  00 00 10 50 03 00 01 00  00 00 00 02 13 00 48 f4  |...P..........H.|
00000070  95 f5 e3 f6 30 f8 7d f9  cb fa 18 fc 65 fd b3 fe  |....0.}.....e...|
00000080  00 00 4d 01 9b 02 e8 03  35 05 83 06 d0 07 1d 09  |..M.....5.......|
00000090  6b 0a b8 0b 26 00 00 00  01 d0 04 00 01 01 00 02  |k...&...........|
000000a0  00 02 0b 00 01 00 02 00  03 00 04 00 05 00 06 00  |................|
000000b0  07 00 08 00 09 00 0a 00  0b 00 78 00 00 00 2a d0  |..........x...*.|
000000c0  06 00 01 ff ff ff ff 00  19 00 80 02 19 00 90 01  |................|
000000d0  00 80 20 03 00 80 40 06  00 80 80 0c 00 80 00 19  |.. ...@.........|
000000e0  00 80 64 00 00 40 c8 00  00 00 fa 00 00 00 40 01  |..d..@........@.|
000000f0  00 00 90 01 00 00 f4 01  00 00 80 02 00 00 20 03  |.............. .|
00000100  00 00 e8 03 00 00 e2 04  00 00 40 06 00 00 d0 07  |..........@.....|
00000110  00 00 c4 09 00 00 80 0c  00 00 a0 0f 00 00 88 13  |................|
00000120  00 00 00 19 00 00 00 32  00 40 00 64 00 40 00 c8  |.......2.@.d.@..|
00000130  00 40 14 00 00 00 19 d0  04 00 01 01 00 01 00 02  |.@..............|
00000140  02 00 00 00 01 00 1e 00  00 00 7c d1 06 00 01 00  |..........|.....|
00000150  00 00 00 04 04 02 03 01  00 00 00 00 07 07 09 10  |................|
00000160  01 00 00 00                                       |....|

Received 12 bytes. HEX dump:
00000000  0c 00 00 00 03 00 01 20  06 00 00 00              |....... ....|

Take note that the 0x902B code is Fuji specific and not part of the PTP/IP standard!

As you can see the opreq command requires at least one parameter: the operation code to perform which must be in hexadecimal notation.

It also supports an additional parameter, again in hex, to pass along with the operation request. An example of executing GetDevicePropValue from the PTP specification would be:

$ nc 15740
opreq 0x1015 0xD212

Received 116 bytes. HEX dump:
00000000  74 00 00 00 02 00 15 10  06 00 00 00 11 00 01 50  |t..............P|
00000010  03 00 00 00 41 d2 0a 00  00 00 05 50 02 00 00 00  |....A......P....|
00000020  0a 50 01 80 00 00 0c 50  0a 80 00 00 0e 50 02 00  |.P.....P.....P..|
00000030  00 00 10 50 00 00 00 00  12 50 00 00 00 00 01 d0  |...P.....P......|
00000040  02 00 00 00 18 d0 04 00  00 00 28 d0 00 00 00 00  |..........(.....|
00000050  2a d0 00 19 00 80 7c d1  04 04 02 03 09 d2 00 00  |*.....|.........|
00000060  00 00 1b d2 00 00 00 00  29 d2 97 05 00 00 2a d2  |........).....*.|
00000070  8f 06 00 00                                       |....|

Received 12 bytes. HEX dump:
00000000  0c 00 00 00 03 00 01 20  06 00 00 00              |....... ....|

Again: the 0xD212 code is Fuji specific and not part of the PTP/IP standard!

The output depends on the command executed and can be one single packet or, depending on the data phase, an end of data packet as well.


Usage examples

Creating a client and connecting to the camera:

package main


c, err := ip.NewClient(ip.DefaultVendor, "", ip.DefaultPort, "MyClient", "", ip.LevelDebug)
if err != nil {
    fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error creating PTP/IP client - %s\n", err)
defer c.Close()

fmt.Printf("Created new client with name '%s' and GUID '%s'.\n", c.InitiatorFriendlyName(), c.InitiatorGUIDAsString())
fmt.Printf("Attempting to connect to %s\n", c.CommandDataAddress())
err = c.Dial()
if err != nil {
    fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error connecting to responder - %s\n", err)

Setting custom ports before calling ip.Client.Dial():

package main

import 	""

type config struct {
    commPort  uint16
    evtPort   uint16
    strmPort  uint16

func setPorts(conf *config, c *ip.Client) {
    if conf.commPort != 0 {
    if conf.evtPort != 0 {
    if conf.strmPort != 0 {

When the client is ready, you can start calling methods:

import 	""

func myLogic(c *ip.Client) (interface{}, error) {
    res, err := c.GetDeviceInfo()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err.Error()

    // Depending on what you want to do, format the data first.
    return res, nil

Have a look at the cmd package which can be considered a reference implementation on using the client.


Projects that were used to realise this library:


Golang implementation of the Picture Transfer Protocol over IP






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