Homogeneous Transformation Matrices and Quaternions.
A library for calculating 4x4 matrices for translating, rotating, reflecting, scaling, shearing, projecting, orthogonalizing, and superimposing arrays of 3D homogeneous coordinates as well as for converting between rotation matrices, Euler angles, and quaternions. Also includes an Arcball control object and functions to decompose transformation matrices.
This is my mirror of Christoph Gohlke's transformations package, maintained at this location: http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/
All I did was add his suggested setup.py and put the files into a format where someone can clone the repository, do
python setup.py install
and be on their way. The files were retrieved on 26th November 2013. I will try and keep up to date with upstream, but no guarantees.
All credit to Christoph Gohlke:
cgohlke at