A backend application where users can place orders and have them delivered by drivers.
- Users can perform basic authentication which includes register, login, logout and refresh access token with refresh token.
- Users can select menu items from menus of restauarants to add to their orders.
- Admins have special privielieges of adding, updating, removing some behind the scenes services which normal users can't access.
- And so much more...
- Bun.sh: A fast all-in-one JavaScript runtime.
- Typescript: JavaScript with syntax for types.
- Hono: Ultrafast web framework for the Edges.
- Mongoose: Object modeling tool for MongoDB.
- MongoDB: Document-oriented database for storing data.
The server is running here.
Import the USER1-REQUESTS.json
into Insomnia client and test all test all
the requests.
- Add stripe integration with frontend.