Mobile application for monitoring stock prices on the stock exchange.
- Retrofit + Moshi for API calls
- Room to store cached data locally
- Glide to display images
- ViewBinding with ViewBindingPropertyDelegate
- Jetpack Navigation + SafeArgs for navigation
- Kotlin Flow + Coroutines for asynchronous operations
- WorkManager for repetitive tasks, such as updating data in background
- Dagger Hilt for dependency injection
- other libraries: MPAndroidChart to draw charts, TextDrawable for logo placeholders
- MVVM architecture
The start screen displays a list of stocks. Each stock has a ticker, company name, current price and price change over the day. At the first start of the application, a list of the most active stocks is displayed. Later, this list is extended by the stocks found as a search result.
The user can add stocks to favorites and view the favorite list separately.
All stocks | Favorite stocks |
- The user can search stocks by ticker or company name and add them to favorites.
Search with hints | Search result |
- The user can go to a screen with details for a specific stock. This screen displays a price chart for the stock for different time intervals: week, month, half-year, year, all time.
Portrait orientation | Landscape orientation |
- The user can choose a color theme: light, dark, system default.
Theme switching | Dark theme |
Mockup provided by Yandex Mobile School.
Data provided by Financial Modeling Prep.
This project was implemented during the Android Development Course 2021 from The Rolling Scopes School.