This repo is a open source tool to check a connection status of URLs found from the input file, using Java. It returns "[code] url status" in each line.
- Looking for the URLs in the input file
- Accepting over two input files
- Returning 200 code with Good status, 400 and 404 codes with Bad status
- Colouring the output by the status : Good - Green, Bad - Red, Redirect - Blue, Fail - Red, UnKnown - Gray
- Redirecting to followed location when it is 301, 307 and 308
- Checking a version of archived URLs using the WayBackMachine
- Checking whether Urls work with https or not
- Allow to pass directory paths and recursively process all children under that directory
- Returning JSON format output (Oct,6 2020)
- Exit code, 0 or the number of the broken urls (Oct,6 2020)
- Clone the repo
git clone
- Run the UrlCheck.exe file in bin folder on CMD/PowerShell/Terminal
cd {cloneDirectory}/bin/[mac|window]/
Please see the appropriate guide for your CLI of choice:
This command returns a help message for the flag and the argument explanation.
UrlCheck help
You can type the input file name after tool name, then return the response code, URL and status in each line. This tool accepts multiple files and delimiters by space.
UrlCheck <fileName>
UrlCheck <fileName1> <fileName2>
You can type '--a' flag to allow checking for archived versions of URLs.
UrlCheck --a <fileName>
This '--s' flag change 'http' to 'https' in URLs and you can check whether url work with https or not.
UrlCheck --s <fileName>
This '--v' or '--version' flag return the current version.
UrlCheck --v
This '--j' or '--json' flag return the JSON format result.
UrlCheck --j <fileName>
This command returns a help message for the flag and the argument explanation.
java -jar UrlCheck.jar /m <fileName>
java -jar UrlCheck.jar /v