Another library with a pub/sub implementation. You can subscribe functions to a certain topic (aka event). When a message is sent through this event callback functions subscribed will be executed.
from event_channel import EventChannel
mychannel = EventChannel() # You can also import channel, is an instance already created
def callback(x):
x = x + 1
mychannel.subscribe("myevent", callback)
mychannel.publish("myevent", 345)
channel.unsubscribe("myevent", callback)
from event_channel.threaded_event_channel import ThreadedEventChannel
mychannel = ThreadedEventChannel(blocking=False) # You can also import non_blocking_channel, is an instance already created
def callback(x):
x = x + 1
mychannel.subscribe("myevent", callback)
mychannel.subscribe("myevent", callback2)
threads = mychannel.publish("myevent", 345)
# Wait thread finish
for thread in threads:
from event_channel.threaded_event_channel import ThreadedEventChannel
my_blocking_channel = ThreadedEventChannel() # You can also import channel, is an instance already created
def callback(x):
x = x + 1
mychannel.subscribe("myevent", callback)
mychannel.subscribe("myevent", callback2)
threads = mychannel.publish("myevent", 345)
#at this point all threads are finished