Create easily menu button with back and close animation with dynamic button size adjust. MTMenuButton is written in Swift 3.0 and easy to use in project.
Clone or Download this Repo. Then simply drag the class MTMenuButton.swift
to your Xcode project.
###Simply way to integrate MTMenuButton
###Implement MenuButtonDelegate
func tappedOnMoreButton(sender: UIControl, moreButton: MTMenuButton) {
if viewMoreLeftButton1 == moreButton {
if viewMoreLeftButton1.isButtonOpen == true {
print("Left button 1 open.")
} else {
print("Left button 1 close.")
###Menu button with back animation
var viewMoreLeftButton1 = MTMenuButton.init(frame: CGRect(x: 0,y: 20,width: 64,height: 54)).showWithBackArrow(view: self.view, isLeftDirection: true, topSpacing: 17, leftSpacing: 17) as! MTMenuButton
viewMoreLeftButton1.delegate = self
viewMoreLeftButton1.setColor(red: 255.0, green: 255.0, blue: 255.0)
###Menu button with close animation
var viewMoreLeftButton2 = MTMenuButton.init(frame: CGRect(x: 0,y: 120,width: 64,height: 54)).showWithClose(view: self.view, topSpacing: 17, leftSpacing: 17) as! MTMenuButton
viewMoreLeftButton2.delegate = self
viewMoreLeftButton2.setColor(red: 255.0, green: 255.0, blue: 255.0)