MTPopup is alert view written in Swift 3.0 and easy to use in project.
Clone or Download this Repo. Then simply drag the folder MTPopupClass
to your Xcode project.
###Simply way to integrate MTPopup
###Single button with title
MTPopUp(frame: self.view.frame).show(complete: { (index) in
print("INDEX : \(index)")
//Set your custom code here as per index.
view: self.view,
animationType: MTAnimation.TopToMoveCenter,
strMessage: "You've just displayed this awesome Pop Up View",
btnArray: ["Done"],
strTitle: "Congratulations")
###Two buttons with title and different animation
MTPopUp(frame: self.view.frame).show(complete: { (index) in
print("INDEX : \(index)")
//Set your custom code here as per index.
view: self.view,
animationType: MTAnimation.ZoomIn_ZoomOut,
strMessage: "Are you sure want to logout?",
btnArray: ["Ok","Cancel"],
strTitle: "Logout")
###Without title and button, simply swipe to dismiss
MTPopUp(frame: self.view.frame).show(complete: { (index) in
print("INDEX : \(index)")
//Set your custom code here as per index.
view: self.view,
animationType: MTAnimation.LeftToMoveCenter,
strMessage: "Developing an interactive and effective mobile application is not an easy task. Yet many people believe that the job of a mobile developer is not a tough one, while a few also believe the exact opposite.",
btnArray: [])
###With multiple buttons
MTPopUp(frame: self.view.frame).show(complete: { (index) in
print("INDEX : \(index)")
//Set your custom code here as per index.
view: self.view,
animationType: MTAnimation.BottomToMoveCenter,
strMessage: "Select any button.",
btnArray: ["One Button","Two Button","Three Button , Four Button , Five Button","Six Button","Seven Button","Eight Button","Nine Button","Ten Button , Elevan Button , Twelve Button , Threeten Button"],
strTitle: "Multiple Buttons")
###MTPopup is using closure, so no need to create any object or reference.