The Manetu data-loader is a command-line tool to load and verify RDF-based attribute data, at scale, into the Manetu platform. This tool emulates the essential functions of a Manetu data connector intended to facilitate testing. The basic premise is that a user expresses a set of PII data in JSON or CSV format, and the tool provides various operations on this data, such as onboarding, verifying, and deleting vaults.
Based on an input .json file with one or more PII definitions, users of this tool may operate in one of four modes:
- create-vaults: Create a vault for each user, based on a hash of the email address
- load-attributes: Load attributes into the vault, based on the Person schema
- delete-attributes: Delete all attributes from the vault
- onboard: Simultaneously create vaults and load attributes.
sudo wget -O /usr/local/bin/manetu-data-loader
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/manetu-data-loader
In addition to the requirements for installation, you will also need:
- Leiningen
$ make
$ ./target/manetu-data-loader -h
manetu-data-loader version: vX.Y.Z
Usage: manetu-data-loader [options] <file.json>
-h, --help
-v, --version Print the version and exit
-u, --url URL The connection URL
-i, --insecure false Disable TLS checks (dev only)
--[no-]progress true Enable/disable progress output (default: enabled)
-r, --realm REALM The realm ID
-t, --token TOKEN A personal access token (GraphQL Only)
--userid USERID The id of the user to login with (GRPC Only)
-p, --password PASSWORD The password of the user (GRPC Only)
-l, --log-level LEVEL :info Select the logging verbosity level from: [trace, debug, info, error]
--fatal-errors false Any sub-operation failure is considered to be an application level failure
--verbose-errors false Any sub-operation failure is logged as ERROR instead of TRACE
--type TYPE data-loader The type of data source this CLI represents
--id ID 535CC6FC-EAF7-4CF3-BA97-24B2406674A7 The id of the data-source this CLI represents
--class CLASS global The schemaClass of the data-source this CLI represents
-c, --concurrency NUM 16 The number of parallel requests to issue
-m, --mode MODE :load-attributes Select the mode from: [query-attributes, load-attributes, onboard, delete-vaults, delete-attributes, create-vaults]
-d, --driver DRIVER :graphql Select the driver from: [graphql, grpc]
The parameters '--url --provider --userid --password' are all related to the caller's context and the environment they are targetting.
'--mode' and the <file.json> input relate to the operation that the tool will perform.
Each row in the <file.json> will create parallel request to the server. The system will measure time and report the status of each response.
### Example
Set a Personal Access Token to the environment variable MANETU_TOKEN, and then:
##### Create vaults for Users
$ ./target/manetu-data-loader -u https://manetu.instance --token $MANETU_TOKEN --realm myrealm -m create-vaults sample-data/mock-data-100.json
##### Load attributes for Users
$ ./target/manetu-data-loader -u https://manetu.instance --token $MANETU_TOKEN --realm myrealm -m load-attributes sample-data/mock-data-100.json