Huzzah is a role-centric test automation framework designed to the used in conjunction with Watir. While there are many aspects to role-based testing, it can be broken down to a few concepts:
- Test scenarios where multiple roles (or users) interact with each other.
- Test scenarios that require a role with specific permissions (e.g. an admin).
- Test scenarios that require a role with specific attributes (e.g. a user with a suspended account).
Huzzah is designed to make this type of testing easier and more manageable. In addition role manangement, the framework implements standard features like page-objects, application flows & site configuration.
Huzzah takes a define and use approach, which means that it does a lot of the work for you. It allows you to focus on writing better tests while it dynamically handles the linkage of objects that you have defined.
Add these line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'huzzah'
gem 'watir'
NOTE: While Huzzah is designed to be used in conjunction with Watir, the two gems are decoupled. This also you to choose which version of of Watir best suits your needs.
And then execute:
$ bundle install
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install huzzah
$ gem install watir
require 'huzzah'
require 'watir'
@role =
puts @role.browser.title
Let's assume huzzah library will live under lib/huzzah and we'll configure Huzzah in features/support/env.rb as:
require 'huzzah'
require 'watir-webdriver'
$PROJECT_ROOT = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../..'))
Huzzah.configure do |config|
config.path = "#{PROJECT_ROOT}/lib/huzzah"
config.default_driver = ENV['BROWSER'] ||= 'firefox'
config.environment = ENV['AUTO_ENV'] ||= 'test'
Next let's go ahead and define our sample site in lib/huzzah/sites/sample_site.yml with two environments
:url: http://localhost:1234/sample-site
:url: http://ba-env/sample-site
Now we're ready to define the users per environment in lib/huzzah/roles/user.yml
:username: 'test1'
:password: 'password-1'
:username: 'test2'
:password: 'password-2'
This is optional but If I wanted to define the roles in the Before hook i'd do something like this:
Before do
@user = #Note: :user corresponds to lib/huzzah/roles/user.yml
At this point we can define our test we'll use Cucumber scenario
Feature: Basic Search
As a SampleSite basic user
In order to find my search results
I want to utilize a basic search form
Scenario: User performs basic search
Given I am a SampleSite basic user
When I perform a basic search
Then I should see my basic search results
let's define our PageObject classes in lib/huzzah/pages/search_form_page.rb:
module SampleSite #Note: module name corresponds to the the name of the site i.e. sample_site and needs to be camel-cased
class SearchFormPage < Huzzah::Page
locator(:search) { button(id: 'search_b_1')}
and in lib/huzzah/pages/search_results_page.rb
module SampleSite #Note: module name corresponds to the the name of the site i.e. sample_site and needs to be camel-cased
class SearchResultsPage < Huzzah::Page
locator(:toolbar_full) { div(id: 'onesearch_toolbar_full') }
with step definitions which would look like:
Given(/^I am a SampleSite basic user$/) do
@user.visit(:sample_site) #Note: :one_search corresponds to the name of the site yml file i.e. sample_site.yml
When(/^I perform a basic search$/) do
Then(/^I should see my basic search results$/) do
expect(@user.sample_site.search_results_page.toolbar_full).to exist
Huzzah implements the page-object pattern, user flows and site configuration across multiple environments. For more information:
Follow the Tutorial.
Read the Wiki.
- Fork it ([my-github-username]/huzzah/fork )
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create a new Pull Request
Lance Howard
Umair Chagani