- Can generate URL rewrites for specific product(s)
- Can generate URL rewrites for all products at once
- Easy to install & use
- Open Source
Go to Magento2 root folder
Create a directory app/code/Magento/ManishJoy/ProductUrlRewrite
Enter following commands to enable module:
bin/magento setup:upgrade bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f
Now, you are all set to go, use following instructions to run console commands
Log into Terminal/SSH/Putty
Navigate to root directory of Magento (e.g.
) -
Enter following commands to enable module:
# Regenerate url for all products php bin/magento mj:producturlrewrite:run # Regenerate url for products with ids (1, 2, 3, 4) php bin/magento mj:producturlrewrite:run 1 2 3 4
Now, you are all set to go, use following instructions to run console commands
--- OR ---
Prerequisite | How to check | For more information |
Apache 2.2 or 2.4 | Ubuntu: apache2 -v CentOS: httpd -v |
Apache |
PHP 7.1.x | php -v |
PHP Ubuntu PHP CentOS |
MySQL 5.6.x | mysql -u [root user name] -p |