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File metadata and controls

338 lines (265 loc) · 23 KB

Valid Configuration Variables

Supported configuration variables are listed in the tables below. All variables can also be specified on the command line. Values specified on the command line will override values in configuration defaults files.

Table of Contents

Terraform input variables can be set in the following ways:

Required Variables

prefix A prefix used in the name of all the AWS resources created by this script string The prefix string must start with a lowercase letter and can contain only lowercase alphanumeric characters and dashes (-), but cannot end with a dash.
location The AWS Region with which to provision all resources in this script string "us-east-1"

AWS Authentication

The Terraform process manages AWS resources on your behalf. In order to do so, it needs the credentials for an AWS identity with the required permissons.

You can use either static credentials or the name of an AWS profile. If both are specified, the static credentials take precedence. For recommendations on how to set these variables in your environment, see Authenticating Terraform to Access AWS.

Using Static Credentials

aws_access_key_id Static credential key string ""
aws_secret_access_key Static credential secret string ""
aws_session_token Session token for validating temporary AWS credentials string "" Required only when using temporary AWS credentials.

Using AWS Profile

aws_profile Name of AWS Profile in the credentials file string ""
aws_shared_credentials_file Path to credentials file string ~/.aws/credentials on Linux and macOS Can be ignored when using the default value.

Admin Access

By default, the pubic endpoints of the AWS resources that are being created are only accessible through authenticated AWS clients (for example, the AWS Portal, the AWS CLI, etc.). To enable access for other administrative client applications (for example kubectl, psql, etc.), you can set Security Group rules to control access from your source IP addresses.

To set these permissions as part of this Terraform script, specify ranges of IP addresses in CIDR notation. Contact your Network Administrator to find the public CIDR range of your network.

NOTE: When deploying infrastructure into a private network (e.g. a VPN), with no public endpoints, the options documented in this block are not applicable.

NOTE: The script will either create a new Security Group, or use an existing Security Group, if specified in the security_group_id variable.

You can use default_public_access_cidrs to set a default range for all created resources. To set different ranges for other resources, define the appropriate variable. Use an empty list [] to disallow access explicitly.

default_public_access_cidrs IP address ranges that are allowed to access all created cloud resources list of strings Set a default for all resources.
cluster_endpoint_public_access_cidrs IP address ranges that are allowed to access the AKS cluster API list of strings For client admin access to the cluster api (by kubectl, for example). Only used with cluster_api_mode=public
vm_public_access_cidrs IP address ranges that are allowed to access the VMs list of strings Opens port 22 for SSH access to the jump server and/or NFS VM by adding Ingress Rule on the Security Group. Only used with create_jump_public_ip=true or create_nfs_public_ip=true.
postgres_access_cidrs IP address ranges that are allowed to access the AWS PostgreSQL server list of strings Opens port 5432 by adding Ingress Rule on the Security Group. Only used when creating postgres instances.


Name Description Type Default Notes
vpc_cidr Address space for the VPC string "" This variable is ignored when vpc_id is set (AKA bring your own VPC).
subnets Subnets to be created and their settings map See below for default values This variable is ignored when subnet_ids is set (AKA bring your own subnets). All defined subnets must exist within the VPC address space.

The default values for the subnets variable are as follows:

  "private" : ["", ""],
  "public" : ["", ""],
  "database" : ["", ""]

Use Existing

If desired, you can deploy into an existing VPC, subnet and NAT gateway, and Security Group.

Note: All existing VPC/subnet resources must be in the same AWS region as the location you specify.

The variables in the table below can be used to define the existing resources. Refer to the Bring Your Own Network page for information about all supported scenarios for using existing network resources, with additional details and requirements.

Name Description Type Default Notes
vpc_id ID of existing VPC string null Only required if deploying into existing VPC.
subnet_ids List of existing subnets mapped to desired usage map(string) {} Only required if deploying into existing subnets.
nat_id ID of existing AWS NAT gateway string null Only required if deploying into existing VPC and subnets.
security_group_id ID of existing Security Group that controls external access to Jump/NFS VMs and Postgres string null Only required if using existing Security Group. See Security Group for requirements.
cluster_security_group_id ID of existing Security Group that controls Pod access to the control plane string null Only required if using existing Cluster Security Group. See Cluster Security Group for requirements.
workers_security_group_id ID of existing Security Group that allows access between node VMs, Jump VM, and data sourcess (nfs, efs, postges) string null Only required if using existing Security Group for Node Group VMs. See Workers Security Group for requirements.

Example subnet_ids variable:

subnet_ids = {
  "public" : ["existing-public-subnet-id1", "existing-public-subnet-id2"],
  "private" : ["existing-private-subnet-id1", "existing-private-subnet-id2"],
  "database" : ["existing-database-subnet-id1","existing-database-subnet-id2"]


By default, two custom IAM policies and two custom IAM roles (with instance profiles) are created. If your site security protocol does not allow for automatic creation of IAM resources, you can provide pre-created roles using the following options:

cluster_iam_role_name Name of existing IAM role for the EKS cluster string ""
workers_iam_role_name Name of existing IAM role for the cluster node VMs string ""

The cluster IAM role must include three AWS-managed policies and one custom policy.

AWS-managed policies:

  • AmazonEKSClusterPolicy
  • AmazonEKSServicePolicy
  • AmazonEKSVPCResourceController

Custom policy:

 "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"

The Workers IAM role must include the following three AWS-managed policies and one custom policy. It also requires an instance profile with the same name as the role.

AWS-managed policies:

  • AmazonEKSWorkerNodePolicy
  • AmazonEKS_CNI_Policy
  • AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryReadOnly

Custom policy:

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Action": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Resource": "*"


create_static_kubeconfig Allows the user to create a provider- or service account-based kubeconfig file bool true A value of false defaults to using the cloud provider's mechanism for generating the kubeconfig file. A value of true creates a static kubeconfig that uses a service account and cluster role binding to provide credentials.
kubernetes_version The EKS cluster Kubernetes version string "1.23"
create_jump_vm Create bastion host (jump VM) bool true
create_jump_public_ip Add public IP address to jump VM bool true
jump_vm_admin OS admin user for the jump VM string "jumpuser"
jump_rwx_filestore_path File store mount point on jump VM string "/viya-share" This location cannot include "/mnt" as its root location. This disk is ephemeral on Ubuntu, which is the operating system being used for the jump VM and NFS servers.
tags Map of common tags to be placed on all AWS resources created by this script map { project_name = "viya" }
autoscaling_enabled Enable cluster autoscaling bool true
ssh_public_key File name of public ssh key for jump and nfs VM string "~/.ssh/" Required with create_jump_vm=true or storage_type=standard
cluster_api_mode Public or private IP for the cluster api string "public" Valid Values: "public", "private"

Node Pools

Default Node Pool

default_nodepool_vm_type Type of the default node pool VMs string "m5.2xlarge"
default_nodepool_os_disk_type Disk type for default node pool VMs string gp2
default_nodepool_os_disk_size Disk size for default node pool VMs in GB number 200
default_nodepool_os_disk_iops Disk IOPS for default node pool VMs number For io1, you MUST set the value to your desired IOPS value. Refer to Amazon EBS volume types for details on values based on the default_nodepool_os_disk_type selected.
default_nodepool_node_count Initial number of nodes in the default node pool number 1 The value must be between default_nodepool_min_nodes and default_nodepool_max_nodes.
default_nodepool_max_nodes Maximum number of nodes in the default node pool number 5
default_nodepool_min_nodes Minimum and initial number of nodes for the node pool number 1
default_nodepool_taints Taints for the default node pool VMs list of strings
default_nodepool_labels Labels to add to the default node pool VMs map
default_nodepool_custom_data Additional user data that will be appended to the default user data. string "" The value must be an empty string ("") or the path to a file containing a Bash script snippet that will be executed on the node pool.
default_nodepool_metadata_http_endpoint The state of the default node pool's metadata service string "enabled" Valid values are: enabled, disabled.
default_nodepool_metadata_http_tokens The state of the session tokens for the default node pool string "required" Valid values are: required, optional.
default_nodepool_metadata_http_put_response_hop_limit The desired HTTP PUT response hop limit for instance metadata requests for the default node pool number 1 Valid values are either null or any number greater than 0.

Additional Node Pools

Additional node pools can be created separately from the default node pool. This is done with the node_pools variable, which is a map of objects. Each node pool requires the following variables:

vm_type Type of the node pool VMs string
cpu_type Processor type CPU/GPU string AL2_x86_64 AMI type – Choose Amazon Linux 2 (AL2_x86_64) for Linux non-GPU instances, Amazon Linux 2 GPU Enabled (AL2_x86_64_GPU) for Linux GPU instances
os_disk_type Disk type for node pool VMs string gp2 or io1
os_disk_size Disk size for node pool VMs in GB number
os_disk_iops Amount of provisioned IOPS number For io1, you MUST set the value to your desired IOPS value. Reference Amazon EBS volume types for details on values based on the os_disk_type selected.
min_nodes Minimum number of nodes in the node pool number The value must be between min_nodes and max_nodes.
max_nodes Maximum number of nodes in the node pool number The value must be between min_nodes and max_nodes.
node_taints Taints for the node pool VMs list of strings
node_labels Labels to add to the node pool VMs map On nodes where you want to run SAS Pods, include this label: "" = "".
custom_data Additional user data that will be appended to the default user data string The value must be an empty string ("") or the path to a file containing a Bash script snippet that will be executed on the node pool.
metadata_http_endpoint The state of the node pool's metadata service string "enabled" Valid values are: enabled, disabled.
metadata_http_tokens The state of the session tokens for the node pool string "required" Valid values are: required, optional.
metadata_http_put_response_hop_limit The desired HTTP PUT response hop limit for instance metadata requests for the node pool number 1 Valid values are any number greater than 0.


storage_type Type of Storage. Valid Values: "standard", "ha" string "standard" A value of "standard" creates NFS server VM; a value of "ha" creates an AWS EFS mountpoint.

NFS Server

When storage_type=standard, an NFS server VM is created, and the following variables are applicable:

create_nfs_public_ip Add public IP address to the NFS server VM bool false
nfs_vm_admin Admin user account for the NFS server VM string "nfsuser"
nfs_raid_disk_size Size in GiB for each EBS volume of the RAID0 cluster on the NFS server VM number 128
nfs_raid_disk_type Disk type for the NFS server EBS volumes string "gp2" Valid values are: "standard", "gp2", "io1", "io2", "sc1" or "st1".
nfs_raid_disk_iops IOPS for the the NFS server EBS volumes number 0 Only used when nfs_raid_disk_type is "io1" or "io2".

AWS Elastic File System (EFS)

When storage_type=ha, the AWS Elastic File System service is created, and the following variables are applicable:

efs_performance_mode EFS performance mode string generalPurpose Supported values are generalPurpose or maxIO

PostgreSQL Server

When setting up external database servers, you must provide information about those servers in the postgres_servers variable block. Each entry in the variable block represents a single database server.

This code only configures database servers. No databases are created during the infrastructure setup.

The variable has the following format:

postgres_servers = {
  default = {},

NOTE: The default = {} elements is always required when creating external databases. This is the systems default database server.

Each server element, like foo = {}, can contain none, some, or all of the parameters listed below:

server_version The version of the PostgreSQL server string "13" Refer to the SAS Viya platform Administration Guide for the supported versions of PostgreSQL for the SAS Viya platform.
instance_type The VM type for the PostgreSQL Server string "db.m5.xlarge"
storage_size Max storage allowed for the PostgreSQL server in MB number 50
backup_retention_days Backup retention days for the PostgreSQL server number 7 Supported values are between 7 and 35 days.
storage_encrypted Encrypt PostgreSQL data at rest bool false
administrator_login The Administrator Login for the PostgreSQL Server string "pgadmin" The admin login name can not be 'admin', must start with a letter, and must be between 1-16 characters in length, and can only contain underscores, letters, and numbers. Changing this forces a new resource to be created
administrator_password The Password associated with the administrator_login for the PostgreSQL Server string "my$up3rS3cretPassw0rd" The admin passsword must have more than 8 characters, and be composed of any printable characters except the following / ' " @ characters.
multi_az Specifies if PostgreSQL instance is multi-AZ bool false
deletion_protection Protect from accidental resource deletion bool false
ssl_enforcement_enabled Enforce SSL on connections to PostgreSQL server instance bool true
parameters additional parameters for PostgreSQL server list(map(string)) [] More details can be found here
options additional options for PostgreSQL server any []

Here is a sample of the postgres_servers variable with the default entry only overriding the administrator_password parameter and the cps entry overriding all of the parameters:

database_servers = {
  default = {
    administrator_password       = "D0ntL00kTh1sWay"
  another_server = {
    instance_type                = "db.m5.xlarge"
    storage_size                 = 50
    storage_encrypted            = false
    backup_retention_days        = 7
    multi_az                     = false
    deletion_protection          = false
    administrator_login          = "cpsadmin"
    administrator_password       = "1tsAB3aut1fulDay"
    server_version               = "13"
    server_port                  = "5432"
    ssl_enforcement_enabled      = true
    parameters                   = [{ "apply_method": "immediate", "name": "foo" "value": "true" }, { "apply_method": "immediate", "name": "bar" "value": "false" }]
    options                      = []