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Fetch-Jokes is a Flutter app that delivers jokes with a clean design. It includes a splash screen, offline caching, and connectivity alerts. Using Provider for state management and Dio for API integration, it ensures a smooth, reliable experience.


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Fetch-Jokes is a Flutter-based application that delivers a delightful joke-telling experience through a clean, user-friendly interface. The app utilizes the Provider package for efficient state management and the Dio package for seamless HTTP requests. Designed with scalability and maintainability in mind, Fetch-Jokes ensures smooth performance and a polished user experience.


  • Instant Joke Fetching: Retrieve jokes from an API with just one tap.
  • Responsive UI: Dynamically adjusts to loading states and error scenarios.
  • Material Design Principles: A scrollable joke list with modern, intuitive styling.
  • Pull-to-Refresh: Swipe down to refresh jokes effortlessly.
  • Offline Support: Cache jokes locally for uninterrupted enjoyment.
  • No Internet Alert: Displays a pop-up notification when offline.
  • Customizations: Personalized app icon and name for a unique branding experience.
  • JSON Serialization/Deserialization: Ensures accurate data handling when converting JSON data from the API into Dart objects.

Project Structure

The app follows a modular and scalable folder structure:

├── components/                     # Reusable UI components
│   ├── fetch_jokes_button.dart     # Button to fetch jokes
│   ├── joke_card.dart              # Card design for jokes
│   ├── joke_category_dropdown.dart # Dropdown menu for selecting categories
│   └── no_internet_popup.dart      # Popup for no internet connection
├── services/                       # Logic for API calls and caching
│   ├── joke_service.dart           # API communication layer
│   └── cache_manager.dart          # Handles local caching of jokes
├── state/                          # State management using Provider
│   └── joke_state.dart             # Centralized state for joke management
├── utils/                          # Utilities and constants
│   └── app_constants.dart          # Constants like API URLs
├── screens/                        # Main app screens
│   ├── home_page.dart              # Home screen UI
└── main.dart                       # Application entry point
assets/                             # Static assets
    ├── images/                     # Images used in the app
    └── fonts/                      # Custom fonts (Lato, LobsterTwo)


Essential Packages

  • Provider: Manages state efficiently across the app.
  • Dio: Handles API requests with advanced networking features.

Additional Packages

  • flutter_launcher_icons: Customizes app icons.
  • shared_preferences: Caches jokes locally for offline access.
  • internet_connection_checker: Monitors internet connectivity.

Install dependencies:

flutter pub get

How It Works

State Management

  • JokeState: Governs the app's overall state, including loading and fetching joke data.

Networking and Caching

  • JokeService: Uses Dio to fetch jokes from an external API.
  • CacheManager: Saves jokes locally with shared_preferences, ensuring offline availability.

UI Features

  • HomePage: Displays a joke-fetch button, category dropdown, and a styled list of jokes.
  • No Internet Popup: Alerts the user when offline.
  • Pull-to-Refresh: Swipe gesture to refresh the joke list.


  • API: Update the API endpoint in lib/utils/app_constants.dart.
  • Styling: Modify fonts in the assets/fonts folder or adjust styles in relevant components.
  • Assets: Replace app images in the assets/images folder for a personalized touch.

Getting Started

  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the Directory:

    cd fetch-jokes
  3. Fetch Dependencies:

    flutter pub get
  4. Run the App:

    flutter run


We welcome contributions to improve Fetch-Jokes! To contribute:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch for your feature:
    git checkout -b feature/your-feature-name
  3. Commit your changes:
    git commit -m "Add your feature description"
  4. Push the branch:
    git push origin feature/your-feature-name
  5. Open a pull request.

Future Enhancements

  • User-Generated Content: Allow users to submit their jokes.
  • Theming Options: Introduce dark mode and custom themes.
  • Social Sharing: Add functionality to share jokes across social platforms.
  • Voice Integration: Implement a text-to-speech feature to read jokes aloud.
  • Multi-Language Support: Provide jokes in multiple languages.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.


Fetch-Jokes is a Flutter app that delivers jokes with a clean design. It includes a splash screen, offline caching, and connectivity alerts. Using Provider for state management and Dio for API integration, it ensures a smooth, reliable experience.





