This repository contains codes and Dockerfile used or created when practicing Docker. the commands are self explanatory if you know docker
- Docker Desktop
- Docker Compose
- Docker Swarm (Not much imp as we have kubernetes)
- Kubernetes Integration
- Container Security
- Multi-Stage Builds
- Dockerfile Best Practices
- Docker Volumes and Bind Mounts
- Docker Networking
- Docker Images and Registries
- Docker --> CI/CD Integration
- Resource Management (CPU, Memory)
- Docker Logs and Monitoring
- Container Orchestration
- Containerization Best Practices
- Docker and Cloud Providers
- Docker and Microservices Architecture
- Image Scanning and Vulnerability Management
- Service Discovery
- Docker for Development vs. Production
#Docker Compose I have practiced docker-compose during SonarQube integration with Jenkins, the initial docker compose file lies in CI-CD Learning repository, In that docker-compose.yml used to launch two containers one for SonarQube server and other is for SonarQube Database. --> Link to the repo
#Command for Docker Compose
- docker-compose up: Starts and runs containers as defined in the docker-compose.yml file.
- docker-compose down: Stops and removes containers, networks, and volumes created by up.
- docker-compose build: Builds or rebuilds services. 4.** docker-compose pull:** Pulls images for the services defined in the docker-compose.yml.
- docker-compose push: Pushes images of the services to a Docker registry.
- docker-compose start: Starts existing containers without creating new ones. 7.** docker-compose stop: **Stops running containers without removing them.
- docker-compose restart: Restarts running containers.
- docker-compose logs: Shows the logs of running containers.
- docker-compose exec: Executes a command inside a running container.
- docker-compose run: Runs a one-off command in a new container.
- docker-compose ps: Lists the status of all running containers.
- docker-compose config: Validates and displays the Compose file configuration.
- docker-compose version: Shows the version information of Docker Compose.
- docker-compose pause: Pauses all running services.
- docker-compose unpause: Unpauses previously paused services.
- docker-compose rm: Removes stopped containers.
- docker-compose kill: Forcefully stops containers.