Verifying Goldbach's Conjecture, both sequentially and in parallel using Parallel Java2 library.
Note: In order to run these programs you need to have the Parallel Java 2 library installed.
For the sequential program do the the following: java pj2 GoldbachSeq
For the parallel program do the the following: java pj2 cores= GoldbachSmp
lowerBound: is the lower bound integer to be examined upperBound: is the upperBound integer to be examined. K: is the number of cores you want the program to utilize for the computation.
Note: lower bound and upper bound can be BigIntegers You can add debug=makespan as one of the arguments for pj2 to check the running time of each.
For eg:
java pj2 debug=makespan GoldbachSeq <lowerBound> <upperBound>