Custom AlertView for iOS SDK. Port from FVCustomAlertView
To run the example project, clone the repo, open FVCustomAlertView-Swift.xcworkspace
- iOS7+ project
- ARC project
- Remove blur to support iOS7, you can use the objective version to get that
- Add a thread-safe share singleton
- Add alertView to view's window to get fullscreen effect
Not have enough time, so only manual way now.
Copy the source file and resource images to your project
- FVCustomAlertView.swift
- FVCustomAlertViewResources/
Use FVCustomAlertView.shareInstance
, it's a thread-saft singleton.
It comes with 4 default modes and a cutom mode.
The default modes are : (make sure you try them in the example app)
- Loading
FVCustomAlertView.shareInstance.showDefaultLoadingAlertOnView(self.view, withTitle: "Loading...")
- Done
FVCustomAlertView.shareInstance.showDefaultDoneAlertOnView(self.view, withTitle: "Done")
- Error
FVCustomAlertView.shareInstance.showDefaultErrorAlertOnView(self.view, withTitle: "Error", withSize: CGSizeMake(width: 200, height: 100))
- Warning
FVCustomAlertView.shareInstance.showDefaultWarningAlertOnView(self.view, withTitle: "Be careful")
- Custom
Let's add a UISwitch
let sw = UISwitch()
sw.on = true
FVCustomAlertView.shareInstance.showAlertOnView(self.view, withTitle: "1 + 1 = 2 ?", titleColor: UIColor.blackColor(), width: 200, height: 150, backgroundImage: nil, backgroundColor: UIColor.orangeColor(), cornerRadius: 5, shadowAlpha: 0.1, alpha: 0.9, contentView: sw, type: .Custom)
The resources (checkmark, cross, warning sign) comes from
Garnel Mao (
This code is distributed under the terms and conditions of the MIT license.