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NPM Release


Prop Type Description Default Require
map MapOptions No
locale 'fa' OR 'en' Language of editor 'en' No
styleURL string URL of style for edit - Yes
sprite string URL of sprite of style - No
title string Tiltle of editor - No
columns string[] Columns of dataset - No
className string - No
onSubmit (arg: StyleSpecification) => void Callback that is invoked when submitting - No
onCancel (arg: StyleSpecification) => void Callback that is invoked when canceling - No
getDistinctValues (arg: string) => Promise Callback that is invoked when a column is selected - No
CSS Variables Value
--SE-color-primary #ea4c89
--SE-color-primary-20 #ea4c8920
--SE-color-secondry #2e0767
--SE-shade-1 #1c1c1c
--SE-shade-2 #808080
--SE-shade-3 #C2C2C2
--SE-shade-4 #E8E8E8
--SE-shade-5 #E0E0E0
--SE-light-1 #ffffff
--SE-light-2 #FAFAFA
--SE-success-1 #20A76E
--SE-fail-1 #D10328
--SE-radius-4 16px
--SE-radius-8 8px
--SE-radius-16 4px
--SE-font-family -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Oxygen, Ubuntu, Cantarell, "Open Sans", "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif

You can rewrite this variables.


npm install


use the dev script:

npm run dev


MIT © map-ir