317 datasets. Static data to download. data.amsterdam.nl
20 API's . Dynamic data. Atlas build on top of it. api.datapunt.nl (Atlas not open yet..)
Leaflet, Openlayers, Google working examples from datalab:
QGIS general officail Dutch QGIS manual
Dutch tutorial for WMS/WFS in Qgis: pdf
BAGNL extract as csv and Postgis : http://www.nlextract.nl/file-cabinet
Files to read into Qgis for fast WFS services: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/hu264m0mf77q3b7/AAAm4tIHlKGKl63tH9atmXRra?dl=1
How to import them in QGIS:
Add WMS layer >> load in the xml file from link above.
Select a feature
For tonight, use the api.datapunt.nl! Have a look at the acces points and documentation.
The information model of the data is complex, in the documentation there are a lot of entities explained, the whole system is explained (in Dutch) on https://www.amsterdam.nl/stelselpedia/.
Urls are data as JSON. Use phyton, javascript or any other programming language or interface to request the data. For example in python:
import requests
data = requests.get("https://api.datapunt.amsterdam.nl/bag/pand/03630013000707/").json()
For phyton: https://learnpythonthehardway.org/
Or for example in javascript:
var data;
var url = 'https://api.datapunt.amsterdam.nl/bag/pand/03630013000707/';
var xhr = jQuery.getJSON(url).then(function(response) {data = response;});
Developing APIs is hard. Postman makes it easy. Have a look at: https://www.getpostman.com/
Basic leaflet maps for in your browser can be found here:
There is also a Maptime Leaflet tutorial! Have a look at https://github.com/maptime-ams/Leaflet-D3-workshop
Many geometries in Amsterdam Datapunt APIs are in RD coordinates, to help LeafletJS understand them: https://github.com/DatapuntAmsterdam/proj4leaflet
Some examples of using Leaflet, googlemaps and openlayers with Amsterdam Datapunt mapserver WMS and TMS services. https://github.com/DatapuntAmsterdam/datapunt_base_layer
Maptime is BYOB, you can bring your own dinner, snacks, drinks and beers. Some drinks and snacks are provided by Datalab tonight!
Maptime Amsterdam is a monthly map hack night hosted by Waag Society. We meet once a month on a Wednesday at 18.30 to work on maps, learn about geospatial data, and teach each other the latest cartographic tools.
Maptime is, rather literally, time for mapmaking. Our mission is to open the doors of cartographic possibility to anyone interested by creating a time and space for collaborative learning, exploration, and map creation using mapping tools and technologies.
This open learning environment for all levels and degrees of knowledge offers intentional support for the beginner. Maptime is simultaneously flexible and structured: creating space for workshops, ongoing projects with a shared goal, and independent/collaborative work time.
Inspiration for Maptime comes from both hack nights and knitting circles. Both are models of spaces for people to create and learn together. Our goal is to provide this space with an open heart and witho
ut pretension. You can bring your own projects to work on, just hang out and socialize, or ask questions. Some people are experts, and some people are just getting started, but all of us are learning. So, why not do it together?
Follow us at twitter @maptimeAMS and code.waag.org/maptimeAMS For more information about Maptime visit: maptime.io