Takeaways from the RavenDB conference 2016 and overall cool features we don’t know much about.
- Load(idArray), Load().Include
- Paged Querying
- Clear session with Clear(), Evict()
- Lazy operations
- LoadStartingWith
- Streaming API
- Data subscriptions
- Bulk insert
- Scripted patches via PutDocument
- Debugging with output()
- Custom JS functions
- Check if document exists
- Patches, scripted patches
- Update by index
- Batch execute commands of IDatabaseCommand
- Scripted index
- Changes API
- Aggressive cache
- Creating and configuring indexes
- Full text search
- Event sourcing
- Replication
- Side-by-side indexes
- Sharding
- Performance
- Data structuring (working with identifiers, handling document relationships)
- Map reduce concepts
- Raven Studio (Admin, monitoring tools)
- Out of the box bundles
- Plugins (debugging)
- Document store conventions
- Monitoring