Provides a simple set of utility functions for dealing with nested dictionaries - a.k.a. dict of dicts. Inspired by the 'field path' concept in Google's superb Firebase product, these functions fully support the field path syntax and DELETE_FIELD sentinel to allow values nested arbitrarily deep in standard Python dictionaries to be get, set, updated and deleted.
from nestees import deep_get
data = {
'top': {
'mid_leaf': 'magic',
'middle': {
'leafA': 20,
'leafB.has.dots': 'its real!!!',
deep_get(data, 'top.mid_leaf')
>>> 'magic'
deep_get(data, 'top.middle.leafA')
>>> 20
# field path syntax supports backtics
deep_get(data, 'top.middle.`leafB.has.dots`')
>>> 'its real!!!'
# Get supports default values
deep_get(data, '`', 'some default')
>>> 'some default'
from nestees import deep_set, deep_delete
data = {}
deep_set(data, 'top.mid_leaf', 'magic')
>>> {
'top': {
'mid_leaf': 'magic',
deep_set(data, 'top.middle.leafA', 20)
>>> {
'top': {
'mid_leaf': 'magic',
'middle': {
'leafA': 20
# To delete a value, use the DELETE_SENTINEL
deep_set(data, 'top.mid_leaf.leafA', DELETE_SENTINEL)
>>> {
'top': {
'middle': {
'leafA': 20
# or just use deep_delete
deep_delete(data, 'top.middle.leafA')
>>> {
'top': {
'middle': {}
deep_update works like Python's built-in dict update method, in that it allows values to be merged at the leaf level, rather than set, if the existing leaf is a dict...
from nestees import deep_update
data = {
'top': 53
# Updating an integer lead replaces the integer with a dict...
deep_update(data, 'top.middle', {'name':'John', 'occupation':'CEO'})
>>> {
'top': {
'middle': {
>>> deep_update(data, 'top.middle', {'gender':'non-binary'})
>>> data
'top': {
'middle': {