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Application that automates the detection and analysis of phishing websites using multiple data sources and detection engines.


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Phishing Detector

Welcome to Phishing Detector, which is a comprehensive Python application that automates the detection and analysis of phishing websites using multiple data sources and detection engines.

Main features

URL data collection

Phishing Detector allows to automate collection of the URL lists from following open sources.

Phishing detections engines

Application bases on multiple phishing detection engines, which work independently. Each scanned URL is checked against following detection engines:

Additional features

  • Determining if each scanned URL is alive or not.

Command-line interface

The aplication exposes CLI to facilitate comparisons and analyses. Using the CLI the user can scan provided set of URLs, or scan auto-collected URLs, for engines comparison purposes. Results are summarized and saved to a json file.

How to start

The application is compatible with Python 3.10.

  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Poetry installation.
    Install from or:
    pip install poetry
  3. Create virtual environment and install requirements.
    Run following command in the project directory:
    poetry install
  4. Open virtual environment.
    poetry shell
  5. Complete .env file, by filling in the API Keys.
    VirusTotal sign up,
    Google Safe Browsing API get started.

Chrome Safe Browsing configuration

Due to the fact, that the evaluation of URLs using Google Chrome Safe Browsing mechanism needs access to the browser, there are additional steps required in order to configure user environment.

Warning! The Google Chrome Safe Browsing scanning based on opening the suspicious URLs in automated web browser. Due to the security reasons it's recommended to execute scan with Chrome Safe Browsing enabled in the separated environment.

  1. Install Playwright-related packages, that are required.
    playwright install
  2. Download Google Chrome or Google Chrome Canary browser.
  3. Open the browser and create a new profile.
  4. Enable and synchronize the Safe Browsing mechanism - Manage Enhanced Safe Browsing for your account.
  5. Synchronization can take a moment. Test the Safe Browsing manually using Safe Browsing Tester, and make sure that your browser blocks malicious websites.
  6. Find the chrome user-data directory, which by default is under following path: {username}\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data
  7. Complete .env file with a path to the Google Chrome application as CHROME_PATH, and path to the User-Data directory, as CHROME_USER_DATA_DIR.

How to use


The application exposes the CLI in the script, to automating URLs scan and facilitate engines comparisons and result analyses. To use it type following command

python <arguments>

CLI allows to trigger an automated scan with following flow:

  1. Collecting the URLs to be scanned (from the user input or auto-collecting from available sources).
  2. Scanning URLs using multiple detection engines.
  3. Generating the report, containing summarized results, and saving it to the file.

Avaliable CLI arguments:

  • Input.
    using --input url1 url2 url3 .... the user can pass custom URLs to scan. It's a multi-value argument, so the user can pass multiple URLs in a row.
    This attribute can be used only if --auto-collect argument is disabled.


    python --input

  • Auto-collect.
    --auto-collect <number of URLs to collect> argument enables auto-collection of the URLs.
    Can be used only if custom URLs are not passed through the --input argument.
    Additionally, the user can choose a specific data source, using following attributes:

    • OpenPhish: adding --open-phish sets as a data source.
    • PhishStats: adding --phish-stats sets as a data source.


    python --auto-collect 10 # performs scan of 10 URLs in total, collected both from OpenPhish and PhishStats
    python --auto-collect 7 --open-phish # performs scan of 7 URLs collected from OpenPhish
    python --auto-collect 50 --phish-stats # performs scan of 50 URLs collected from PhishStats
  • Chrome Safe Browsing enabling.
    using --chrome-safebrowsing-enabled the user can include Chrome Safe Browsing scanner to the scan. Due to the security and additional configuration reasons this option is required to be activated manually.


    python --input --chrome-safebrowsing-enabled

  • Results Directory.
    using --results-dir <path to the directory> the user can point to a custom directory where reports will be saved in. In case of lack of this argument, the default results directory is \phishing-detector\results


    python --input --results-dir C:\temp\phishing_results

As Python module (for developers)

The user can utilize the phishing-detector as a python module by importing specific objects into their custom scripts.

  1. DataCollector.
    DataCollector class, from source.data_collector module, automates URL collection. Its public methods allow the user to collect the URLs from supported open sources.


    >>>from data_collector import DataCollector
    ['', '', ''....]
  2. Detector.
    Detector class from source.detector.detector module, is responsible for scanning of the URLs. Class exposes scan() method, which takes list of URLs as an argument and triggers their scan.
    The method returns Report object, contained in module, that is described below in this document.


    >>>from data_collector import DataCollector
    >>>from source.detector.detector import Detector
    Report(url_results=[URLResult(url='', is_alive=IsAliveResult(is_alive=True, response_code=200), ...
  3. Report.
    The module, contains the structure of the final report, that is basing on dataclasses. The output from the detector.scan() method is represented of Report type.
    It exposes two methods returning the report content in the different formats:

    • to_dict - returns report content as dictionary.
    • to_json - returns report content in json format.


    >>>from data_collector import DataCollector
    >>>from source.detector.detector import Detector
    Report(url_results=[URLResult(url='', is_alive=IsAliveResult(is_alive=True, response_code=200), ...
    {'url_results': [{'url': '', 'is_alive': {'is_alive': True, 'response_code': 200}, 
    "url_results": [
       "url": "",
       "is_alive": {
         "is_alive": true,
         "response_code": 200
  4. Scanners.
    The term 'scanner' denotes a class that encapsulates the logic of a specific, single detection mechanism. The source.detector.scanners package is containing all the implemented scanners.
    Available scanners:

    • source.detector.scanners.alive_scanner.AliveScanner
    • source.detector.scanners.chrome_safe_browsing_scanner.ChromeSafeBrowsingScanner
    • source.detector.scanners.google_safe_browsing_api_scanner.GoogleSafeBrowsingAPIScanner
    • source.detector.scanners.virus_total_scanner.VirusTotalScanner

Report structure description

Example json report:

  "url_results": [
      "url": "",
      "is_alive": {
        "is_alive": true,
        "response_code": 200
      "is_phishing_sub_results": [
          "scanner_name": "VirusTotalScanner",
          "is_phishing": true
          "scanner_name": "GoogleSafeBrowsingAPIScanner",
          "is_phishing": true
          "scanner_name": "ChromeSafeBrowsingScanner_no_sb",
          "is_phishing": false
          "scanner_name": "ChromeSafeBrowsingScanner_sb",
          "is_phishing": true
      "is_phishing": true
    "statistics": {
    "urls_number": 10,
    "scanners_times_stats": [
        "scanner_name": "VirusTotalScanner",
        "scan_time": "0:00:01.023387"
        "scanner_name": "GoogleSafeBrowsingAPIScanner",
        "scan_time": "0:00:00.242773"
        "scanner_name": "AliveScanner",
        "scan_time": "0:00:00.209326"
        "scanner_name": "ChromeSafeBrowsingScanner",
        "scan_time": "0:00:03.174550"
    "alive_stats": {
      "alive_urls": 10,
      "alive_urls_pct": 100.0
    "chrome_safebrowsing_stats": {
      "no_sb_blocked_urls": 0,
      "no_sb_blocked_urls_pct": 0.0,
      "sb_blocked_urls": 10,
      "sb_blocked_urls_pct": 100.0
    "scanning_time": "0:00:03.174550"

The final report consist in two main fields:

  • url_results - contains list of evaluation results per each scanned URL.
  • statistics - contains overall scanning statistics.

Each item in url_results includes:

  • url - scanned url.
  • is_alive- indicates within the page is alive.
  • is_phishing_sub_results - contains evaluation result of each active scanner.
  • is_phishing - indicates whether the page is considered as phishing. The value is a logical disjunction (logical OR) of the sub-results.

The statistics field contains:

  • url_number - the aggregate number of scanned URLs.
  • scanners_times_stats - contains a list of execution time of each scanner.
  • alive_stats - contains number and percentage value of URLs that are alive.
  • chrome_safebrowsing_stats - contains number and percentage values of blocked websites in each mode - safebrowsing enabled (sb prefix), and safebrowsing disabled (no_sb prefix).
  • scanning_time - overall execution time.


Application that automates the detection and analysis of phishing websites using multiple data sources and detection engines.





