a maze generator (support 4 maze generation algorithms) and path search using A* algorithm
- support Recursive Backtracker, Randomized Prim, Recursive Division and Union Find Set algorithms
- add a maze display by pygame
- add a path search using A* algorithm
This project only include four simple .py files:
- GameMap.py: define a class map and is used to generat or display a maze.
- MazeGenerator.py: support 4 maze generation algorithms
- GameSearch.py: a maze display by pygame
- AStarSearch.py: use A* algorithm to find a path
- Python 3.7
- Python-Pygame 1.9
$ python GameSearch.py
- mouse click button to choose one of the four maze generation algorithms
- clcik any keyboard to do actions sequencely: generate a maze, generate start and destination point, find a path and clear the map