Build your own nightlight with an Arduino board, which uses a light dependant resisistor as a sensor to switch an LED on and off dependant on the current light situation.
C++, Arduino, Arduino IDE
Have an Arduino UNO kit or similar microcontroller. See the official Arduino website for more information
Install the Arduino IDE on your computer
Select your Arduino board and correct port in the Arduino IDE. For more information see the official Arduino documentation
Meassure min and max resisitance of your light dependant resistor and calculate the reference resisitor for the voltage divider using the Alex Benz formula
Download the code repository and unzip the folder
Build the voltage divider with your Arduino kit (description will follow!)
- Open nightlight.ino in the Arduino IDE and transfer the program on your Arduino board
Code copyright 2019 Almesberger Marcel. Code released under the MIT Licence