- Table of Contents
- Description
- Usage
- Technologies Used
- Preview
- Deployed link
- Future Development
- Questions
This project was created as a learning experience of Python.
Using Pygame I created a 2D basic race car game, where the user needs to avoid collision with the other car.
Install Python https://www.python.org/downloads/ (only for users that do not have it yet)
Open the console by typing Command Prompt, then insert:
pip install pygame
To check the details of installation and version:
pip show pygame
python main.py
- To move your car sideways press the left or right arrows, or use "a" for left and "d" for right.
- The speed will increase and you will level up.
- The game will end when the opponent car collides with you car.
- You can see your results in the console.
- Python
- Pygame
- Game screen
- Console results
- Display messages on screen everytime you level up.
- Display the end results on the screen.
- Create more animations.
- GUI version
- Contact me on my GitHub profile: Marcela's GitHub