Pycobertura to process coverage.xml files and display text reports...
- Generate test coverage with your language
@mkdir -p $(GOBASE)/build
go test -short ./... -coverprofile=$(GOBASE)/build/coverage.out
go tool cover -html=$(GOBASE)/build/coverage.out -o=$(GOBASE)/build/coverage.html
go get
gocover-cobertura < $(PWD)/build/coverage.out > $(PWD)/build/coverage.xml
- Use Gradle or Maven to generate the reports during tests
./gradlew test cobertura
ls -la build/reports/cobertura/coverage.xml
- Shows the report for a given coverage
$ docker run -v $(pwd)/build:/build -w=/build marcellodesales/pycobertura show coverage.xml
Filename Stmts Miss Cover Missing
--------------------------------------------------------- ------- ------ ------- ----------------
platform/miner/miner.go 22 6 72.73% 78-80, 82-84
platform/miner/dependency_graph.go 48 3 93.75% 53-55
platform/admin/api.go 36 36 0.00% 11-55
platform/admin/http.go 32 32 0.00% 14-55
TOTAL 2438 1684 29.13%