NEW - data-iziModal-open="#modal" for any selector - Implemented
NEW - borderBottom option - Implemented
NEW - Div tag for modal is no longer required - Implemented
NEW - AMD support - Implemented
NEW - setFullscreen method - Implemented
NEW - setWidth method - Implemented
NEW - setTop and setBottom methods - Implemented
NEW - closeButton option - Implemented
NEW - appendTo option - Implemented
NEW - Static margin (Top and Bottom options) - Implemented
NEW - Namespace - Implemented
NEW - Improvements when using Modal in flexbox layouts - Implemented
BUG - IE Horizontal Alignment (Including %) - Fixed
BUG - Scroll iframe on iOS - Fixed
BUG - Hide navigation arrows does not work - Fixed
BUG - Some kinds of Data-attr do not work as they should - Fixed
BUG - Incompatibility with iziToast animations - Fixed
BUG - Methods setTransitionIn and setTransitionOut - Fixed
BUG - Modal closes when use shortcut arrows - Fixed
BUG - Modal loses its classes when closed - Fixed
BUG - Modal loses option RTL when closed - Fixed
BUG - Modal loses reference if it does not have an ID - Fixed
You can’t perform that action at this time.