The Shiny app displays FDI spatial landings data (Gibin et al. 2022) in the North Sea in terms of species contribution.
Data can be filtered according to year range, gear type and species of interest. The resulting map shows landings data by species and ICES grid as a 2d barplot (from the mapplots package, Gerritsen 2018). Barplot sizes are standardized by default to reflect composition ("Proportional"), which can be set to false to reflect overall landings magnitude.
To run the Shiny app:
Gerritsen H (2018). mapplots: Data Visualisation on Maps. R package version 1.5.1,
Gibin, Maurizio; Maksims Kovšars; Maciej Adamowicz; Zanzi, Antonella; Hekim, Zeynep (2022): Fisheries landings & effort: data by c-square. European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC) [Dataset] PID: