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🔧50 Arduino Projects Made in Tinkercad

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‼️The projects are divided into three levels to facilitate the search for simpler projects or even the most complex, the levels are:

🔸Easy = ⚪

🔸Medium = 🔵

🔸Difficult = 🔴

⚠️"Projects are available to improve both programming knowledge and electronic development"

🚀What's my goal with all this❔

  • My main goal is to help people in the same way I would like them to help me when I was starting to study on topics involving programming and electronics


1- Neopixel Arduino project ( ⚪ ) "HardWare+SoftWare" 📌

2- People Crossing Counter ( 🔴 ) "HardWare+SoftWare" 📌

3- Portatil Refrigerator ( 🔵 ) "HardWare+SoftWare" 📌

4- Lamp with fan ( 🔵 ) "HardWare+SoftWare" 📌

5- Infrared remote control with sensor + Led On/Off ( ⚪ ) "HardWare+SoftWare" 📌

6- Wi-fi+Arduino module ( 🔵 ) "HardWare+SoftWare" 📌

7- Lamp with Sliding Button ( ⚪ ) "HardWare+SoftWare" 📌

8- Mini traffic light ( ⚪ ) "HardWare+SoftWare" 📌

9- Ultrasonic sensor with Arduino ( ⚪ ) "HardWare+SoftWare" 📌

10- Arduino with LCD visor ( ⚪ ) "HardWare+SoftWare" 📌

11-Proximity Sensor with LCD ( 🔵 ) "HardWare+SoftWare" 📌

12- DC engine with Arduino ( 🔵 ) "HardWare+SoftWare" 📌

13- Alarm that signals distance ( 🔵 ) "HardWare+SoftWare" 📌

14- mat+controller ( 🔴 ) "HardWare+SoftWare" 📌

15- Thermometer with Temperature Sensor ( 🔴 ) "HardWare+SoftWare" 📌

16- engine following line and LDR Sensor ( 🔴 ) "HardWare+SoftWare" 📌

17- PWM+Arduino ( ⚪ ) "HardWare+SoftWare" 📌

18- Micro-Servant dancing ( 🔵 ) "HardWare+SoftWare" 📌

19- Sound Frequency Meter ( ⚪ ) "HardWare+SoftWare" 📌

20- SPDT Relé with Led+Meter ( 🔵 ) "HardWare+SoftWare" 📌

21- Cargo+Arduino lift and bhutan ( 🔴 ) "HardWare+SoftWare" 📌

22- Drone Development from CC and Arduino Engines ( 🔵 ) "HardWare+SoftWare" 📌

23- Lamp with distance sensor ( 🔴 ) "HardWare+SoftWare" 📌

24- fan with arduino ( ⚪ ) "HardWare+SoftWare" 📌

25- LED test from the use of Arduino ( ⚪ ) "HardWare+SoftWare" 📌

26- Led power with potentiometer ( 🔵 ) "HardWare+SoftWare" 📌

27- RGB LED with serial output+ Ultrasonic sensor ( 🔵 ) "HardWare+SoftWare" 📌

28- Potentiometer with servo motor+Led ( 🔵 ) "HardWare+SoftWare" 📌

29- micro-servo test ( ⚪ ) "HardWare+SoftWare" 📌

30- Boat engine with potentiometer ( ⚪ ) "HardWare+SoftWare" 📌

31- Password Port ( 🔴 ) "HardWare+SoftWare" 📌

32- Soil Moisture Sensor ( 🔴 ) "HardWare+SoftWare" 📌

33- one-door automatic system ( 🔵 ) "HardWare+SoftWare" 📌

34- smoke detector ( 🔴 ) "HardWare+SoftWare" 📌

35- RGB led controlled by potentiometers and bhutans ( 🔴 ) "HardWare+SoftWare" 📌

36- Electrical dad ( 🔵 ) "HardWare+SoftWare" 📌

37- Pass or Pass ( ⚪ ) "HardWare+SoftWare" 📌

38- Color sensor ( 🔵 ) "HardWare+SoftWare" 📌

39- Dinosaur google hacker ( ⚪ ) "HardWare+SoftWare" 📌

40- Turning on Leds with Dip switch ( ⚪ ) "HardWare+SoftWare" 📌

41- Alcohol Gel ( 🔵 ) "HardWare+SoftWare" 📌

42- Automatic Recycle Bin Port ( 🔵 ) "HardWare+SoftWare" 📌

43- sound meter ( 🔴 ) "HardWare+SoftWare" 📌

44- Shower with Temperature Sensor ( 🔴 ) "HardWare+SoftWare" 📌

45- transistor with vibratorio motor ( ⚪ ) "HardWare+SoftWare" 📌

46- Claw with Arduino ( ⚪ ) "HardWare+SoftWare" 📌

47- mini-game with LCD+Bhutan ( 🔴 ) "HardWare+SoftWare" 📌

48- Dual-rotating solar panel ( 🔴 ) "HardWare+SoftWare" 📌

49- slate ( 🔵 ) "HardWare+SoftWare" 📌

50- PIEZO sound test ( ⚪ ) "HardWare+SoftWare" 📌